In which the defendent states her case

May 01, 2005 15:52

This is my journal.
Common topics include:
• The struggles of being an "ahrtist" and how few jobs having an art degree will actually get you.
• Music, often this sort of thing.
• Bad TV shows, Australian or otherwise.
• Picspams of the blates gay love affairs going on in every emo band ever.
• Offers of mix cds that may or (mostly) may not come through.
• Concert reviews which don't really talk about the music, but which offer far too many hilarious asides about stupid things that happened.
• Other blatherings about things you probably don't care about.

(yeah, you sold it with that last one.)

If one or more of these topics sounds remotely interesting to you, you'd probably enjoy the experience of reading my journal!

Friends only. Comment to be added.
(no, I mean it, comment. Otherwise, you don't see nothin', foo'!)