FANFIC: Awaiting his return

Nov 26, 2016 10:24

“Yan reminds me of you, Yuya.” But I didn’t really get what he meant that night.

It’s quarter to 11 in the evening, the rain is starting to get heavy, same with the weight in my chest. Thinking of how unusual it was for Kei to come home late, I press the screen of my iPhone, making it flash his name for the 6th time while I constantly tap my fingers on the left arm rest of the couch I was sitting on. Seconds, minutes, no answer. Almost an hour of waiting, getting no response from my phone calls, I grew even more worried as I look through the closed windows to witness the strong wind and non-stop heavy downpours, close to dashing out of our apartment if he still isn’t home by the next 5 minutes. Being suddenly alerted by the sound of the door knob turning, I quickly stand up and run to the front door where I saw him soaking wet from the rain while holding a small golden retriever dog wrapped with his jacket.
        Months and years of living with the dog he rescued from that one stormy night, around 8 in the evening, like it has a sense of time, it would stand patiently in front of the door to wait for his master’s return. Jumping and barking as it witness its master’s entrance, throwing itself to him while giving him numerous licks on the lips while Kei giggles with delight as he look straight into my eyes.
        Kei had always loved his dog. Loved it that most of the time I would wish for its real owner to knock on our door because he spend more time with it than me. Loved it like his own child, even giving it a name: Yan. Loved it so much that I would sometimes get jealous of the innocent creature.
        With me lying on the bed, he uses my open left arm as a pillow and settles himself to sleep. He shifts to face my direction and put his arm on my chest while squeezing himself more to me to lessen the space between us. With my eyes shut, ready to sleep, I shift my body to cuddle with him, burying his face on my neck. Minutes of pure silence, thinking that he's already asleep, I was startled to I hear Kei say, “Yan reminds me of you, Yuya.”
        I do not understand what he meant because of sleepiness, thinking that he's just being random like he always does. I lightly kiss his hair as a response instead, not wanting to disturb the peace anymore.


A ray of light entered from the gaps of curtain covering the glass window, falling directly to my eyes waking me from my sleep. Sensing the sudden thud in my head, I furrow my eyebrows. With eyes still closed, I turned my body to face the other side of the half-empty bed to avoid the natural alarm clock, insisting to get more sleep while cursing the idea of staying up late last night to drink the last supply of beer. I was about to fall asleep for the second time when suddenly I feel a light brush on my lips. Hope filled my chest making me abruptly open my eyes. Disappointment replaced the excitement from moments ago, seeing this annoyingly cute furry ball of sunshine looking straight in to my eyes as if mocking me. With it constantly disturbing me on my supposed-to-be lazy day, I couldn’t help but to spend the Saturday playing with the overly hyperactive fellow.
        Like hearing a silent alarm clock, Yan ran quickly in front of the door, wagging its tail. I halt myself from lighting the candles to look at the wall clock. 8 o’clock. A bitter smile formed my lips as I walk straight to meet the enthusiastic creature and kneels down to give it a big hug, which seems to not care at all and just continues to bark in excitement at the front door. Tears fell from my eyes as I stroke Yan's fur to distract it from its fixation, as if consoling myself at the same time. And months after, I just realized what Kei exactly means with his statement that night.
        “I get it now.” I lift my head up and glanced back to where I came from moments ago, looking straight into Kei’s portrait on the altar.

*Note: I used this fic by Tachan (arigatou~) as an insert scene. Read it after. :)

I got the idea of the plot from the video that I've seen on Facebook about a dog being overly excited by his owner's return after a long time. I've started on this fic about 3 weeks ago but didn't have enough inspiration and ideas to finish it. But after reading the fanfic I linked above there by tasuku_kyota last night, I got the motivation I needed to get this over with so I shall dedicate this to her. After all, I'm a fan of her.
       I feel scared because this is my first time to write a fan fiction but thanks to takainoo4life for giving me her //sarcastic// moral support hahaha.  One more thing... that title is just cheesy af. UGH. I'm so bad at giving names.

fanfiction, hsj pair: takainoo

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