Is There Any Chances For Us? Epilogue

Mar 08, 2013 17:28

Title: Is There Any Chances for Us?
Pairing: YamaChii, NakaChii
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri are couple and been married for about two years already, everyone might think that they’re a perfect couple. Yes they’re actually a perfect couple but everyone didn’t know that behind those perfections, there’s sad realization.
Warning: Chinen is a girl here, I’m sorry but I really needed the ‘she’ for now for the plot. So, if you don’t like, you don’t need to read this. Thank You!
Note: Italics mean Letter to ryosuke from yuri


“Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday.. Happy Birthday.. Happy Birthday to you~ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪~” she clapped her hands as she sang the happy birthday song. The baby boy cooed cutely, as he clapped his hands as well

The room was empty, except for the presence of her and her little one, celebrating his birthday; she lit the small candle atop of the small strawberry cake that she had made for her little boy.

“Mama?” yukito asked her now five, his small voice echoed through dark room that was only lighted by a lampshade. “What is it yuki?” yuri asked softly
“mama, what does it feel to have daddy?” he asked suddenly, Yuri’s chest contracted at yukito’s question
Yuri’s lips pressed into hard line as she tried so hard not to cry “why did you ask yuki-chan?”
“I remember ‘The Bear Family’” he answered, it was yukito’s bedtime story, yuri used to read a stories for him every night before he go to sleep.
“Baby bear have a mommy bear and daddy bear, and daddy bear always comes to play with him and even made him a tree house”
Yuri finally broke down, as tears falls down from her eyes luckily it was dark and yukito won’t notice that she’s crying, at the age of five yukito seems smarter, and he already had a lot of questions in his mind, but the problem is, Yuri is still not yet ready to answer those questions.

“Hmmm” she hummed, hugging yukito tightly and rest her chin on his head “are you crying mama?” yukito ask curiously, yuri wiped her tears and shook her head
“No yuki-chan, I’m not crying” she fakes a laugh for him not to worry
“I’m sorry yuki, I think I can’t answer you right now”
Instead of arguing, yukito rather shook his head and buries his face on her chest
“I understand mama…”

“Yuri, what do you want? My wife is here” ryosuke breathes
“Ryosuke, can I talk to you?” Yuri asked she wanted to talk to him, about Yukito’s condition; the little one is in the hospital having a serious illness.
Yuri had fought for herself about not asking some financial help from him, but she was desperate now, and the only one who could help her to save her son.. is HIM…

“No, I’m sorry. Please forget everything about us…” ryosuke’s last words made her cry

Yuri woke up, there was an agonizing tear on her face and then she realizes that she’s having a nightmare.

Three Years Later~

Light stream in through the lacy curtains, hitting Yuri’s sleeping face. She tried shielding her face using her hands, for she wanted continue her slumber but her eyes fluttered open when she heard a sudden high pitch yet cheery voice from the outside, the little voice jerked her awaked.
“Mama! Maaaaamaa~” the little voice repeated over and over again, Yuri smiles as she heard his tiny footsteps
“Mama~” the little one squealed, climbing onto the bed “Ohayo” he greeted ever so cutely, yuri giggle at her baby boy’s antics.
“Good morning baby boy!” yuri smile pulling herself into a sitting position and cradling her little one onto her lap and kisses his chubby cheeks, that he got from his daddy.
The little two year old boy is Yukito, he was named after snow and both of his parents really love the snow. He’s so cute; he got his snow white skin, jet black hair and clear black orbs from his mom, but he really looks like his father in all aspects.
“You need to wake up mommy; you’ve promised to bring me to the park today” the little two year old boy utter excitedly, yuri nodded hugging her little one tightly and kisses his hair.

Not long after, they heard a footstep and soon the door swung open
“Good morning mommy!”
Yuri looks directly at the source of the voice, she smiles at the sight
“Goodmorning daddy!” she grinned, he grinned as well before placing his lips atop hers giving her, his morning kiss. He kissed yukito’s forehead too, and pick the little boy up onto his arms. “Come~ breakfast is ready!” he smiles, holding her hands and gently pulled her off the bed.

A mouthwatering breakfast is served right in front of her; strawberry pancakes, scrambled eggs with bacon and a French garlic toast.
“This is why I loved you!” yuri said munching her food
“And I to you” ryosuke continue

The family of three, were happily enjoying their picnic, young good-looking mom sitting on a picnic blanket that was laid on the grass, while watching her little son and husband playing kickball, they look really good together a father and son tandem, and yuri couldn’t control her glee at the beautiful sight.

Seeing her little boy happy face, made her realized that the decision she had made years ago, was a good decision after all.

Her eyes went all wide at the arrival of someone, standing right in front of her.
“R-ryosuke, w-what are you doing here?” she was completely stutter, can’t believed of his unexpected presence.
“Yuri” his voice proved that she wasn’t dreaming at all... that this is happening right inside the four concreted walls of her house and at the moment, seeing his face suddenly reminds her of such agonizing memories.

He followed her, without keeping her eyes off her swollen lump. He was guided to the balcony, and was offered a seat. The spot is very tranquil; snows fell softly on the cold pavement outside the sliding glass door of the house.

“When will you going back to Tokyo?” He started
“uhmmm” she hummed “no..i won’t be coming back anymore, I guess” she answered a matter of factly. She looked up staring at him. Smiling the moment she saw her Christmas gift. “It’s so good to see you wearing the scarf”
“Let me fix it” yuri offered walking to his spot, and standing right in front of him.

“Done, it really looks good on you” yuri said and made her way to the glass door. Tracing something using her fingers as it was blanketed by a fog of coldness.

“There’s a lot of bittersweet moments in Tokyo that I left” Ryosuke shifted his attention towards her “memories of us being together was sweet.. Bitter, well you know!.., for the fact that I cried every night and most of the time knowing the fact that I can’t be what you want. Cried wishing that you’re still with me, wishing that I could still do anything to have your baby, wishing that we were together”

“I’m happy seeing your smile with her, couldn’t it be any happier when you two will get married since I have already given you the opportunity to love and marry someone again. I’m now Chinen, and I don’t know what to feel right at the moment but one thing is for sure, being once a Yamada, made me happy, even just for short time” yuri murmured trying to keep her emotions in track, no she doesn't want to start any waterworks, she cried so much and she’s tired of doing it over again.

He closes his eyes, as pain penetrated through his heart and regret cruise all over his face.

“I’m sorry” he said his voice softer but heard her chuckles
“What for? Don’t say so… not your fault but mine”

“I’m sorry, that I left you alone… I wasn’t really thinking… I’ve been a coward person.. I’m sorry, please forgive me” he answered, his hands already shaken.
“You’re forgiven even before, and it’s just that even if tried to forget you, I still can’t” yuri admitted
“Please don’t… I am sorry for everything yuri, I felt guilt the moment I see you sad even though you’re trying to hide it. yuto told me everything from the start, It’s not that I don’t love you anymore, I just don’t know what to do I felt stupid for leaving you. I’m afraid, I’m scared, I broke your heart and screw up our perfect life together but yuri I hope you understand me. I regret everything I did.. Please, I want you back and let’s be together again…” he heard her sobs

“I still love you and…i…I can’t imagine living my life without you for the second time…”

Yuri’s mind was crowded with hesitation; she shook her head as she doesn’t know what to answer, tears burned her eyes.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore ryosuke, if you truly love me you won’t leave and be with another woman, you just broke my heart into a jagged pieces and I don’t know if I can still make it whole. Yes! I love you, but you taken it for granted. When I told you that I was pregnant, you won’t believe me because you already keep in your mind that I won’t get pregnant, just by hearing that broke my heart even more and it hurts just to let you know…” there’s an agony look on his face

“I promised to the baby in here, that I will raised him on my own…that I will do everything for him… that even if I’m a single mother now, I will make sure that I could give him enough love..” she brought her hands onto her bump “..But you know what? I was thinking that, in the future the baby will still need a daddy.. The baby will find and ask for his daddy, about his daddy…” Ryosuke brought his feet, and kneel in front of her facing her belly, and touched it.

“I promised to your mommy, that I won’t hurt her ever again if she’ll give me another chance to be with you and with her again” he looks at the belly and then shifted his gazed towards her.

She knew that whatever decision she will made, the baby’s sake will relay on it.

Yuri jerked awaken by a sudden tap on her shoulder, it broke her reverie.
“What are you thinking?” ryosuke asks sitting beside her, she shook her head
“Nothing, I was just remembering when I was still pregnant and yukito’s first birthday” she lied
“I clearly remember you do loved strawberries, and addicted to it” ryosuke smiles fondly at the memories

Yuri laughed at his antics, ryosuke seems like a kid on Christmas day who’s excited to unwrap his Christmas presents.

The doctor told the two to relax, as she began squirted the cold jelly on her skin. She ran the wand over her swollen belly, as the small baby image appeared on the screen. “there he is, a healthy baby boy” the doctor said happily, as ryosuke looks shocked, his eyes focused on the screen, were the image of their baby appeared. The grainy image is moving slowly, as if he can feel that someone is touching him.

“He’s mighty fine good looking healthy baby boy yamada-san, he’s heart rate is normal… I could admit that I was surprised at his development compare to the first time I check you yuri-san” the doctor glanced up at them “so, how was it. Are you still suffering from morning sickness, or any contractions?”

Yuri shook her head “no contractions, but I’m suffering from morning sickness but not that much burden though.”

“Good, I guess. Just keep up the good work, ne? “The doctor said as she asked her assistant to print the sonogram picture and wrote something on the paper.

“Thank you sensei” yuri said happily

“Maybe I deserved some rewards for taking good care of our baby, huh?!” yuri said, as he pulled out the parking lot.

“Maybe strawberries will do” he answered with a beaming smile

It was in the middle of the night, when Yuri woke up and ryosuke beside her is sleeping peacefully. She had her odd craving again that she needs to satisfy.

“ryosuke wake up!” she shake his body for him to wake up and he stir a little “wake up! I’m hungry!”

“what?” he asks lazily with his eyes still closed

“uhmm… I have a craving.. Please, wake up” she continues shaking his body. “WHAT?!” his eyelids flew open

“I want an ice cream, strawberry flavor ice cream, and something salty like fries or pizza. Please? Right now!”

“But it’s late already” he huffed but he saw her scowling at him

“All right! All right! I’ll go get it” he sighed in defeat as he quickly walked out the bed and grab his keys and jacket

“Thank you and please hurry up!” she demanded

“okaeri ryo-chan!” yuri exclaimed hugging him
“here~” ryosuke hands him something
“What’s this?” she asked confusedly staring at the small sky blue box, ryosuke signaled her to open it, and when she opened it. yuri brought her right arms on her mouth in surprise
“oh ryosuke! Thank you, this is so cute!” she said, she gave him a hug “Thank you so much for this. You made me happy, so as the baby”
The small box contained, a baby shoes. It is small, really small and the color is white matched with sky blue.
“I was passing at the department store and this catches my attention” he then said
“Thank you! You don’t have any idea how happy I’m right now” yuri said, she wasn’t lying when she said that coz every little thing that he did touches her.

Yuri grinned at the thought of being such a bossy when she’s carrying their baby.

“dada~” yukito squealed cutely, running towards them and landed his butt on his daddy’s lap, he used to called his daddy ‘dada’ when he was still a baby.
“Come to mama, yuki-chan” the young mom said softly as she spread her arms welcoming her little boy, and yuki happily obliged. Yuki sat on her lap, yuri wrapped her arms securely around yuki and kisses his chubby cheeked and soft shiny hair, ryosuke smiles down at her as he reached and give her a peck on her lips, and kissed his little boy’s chubby cheeked that he got from him.

“You’ve been good with him… as always” he praised, shoving strawberry in his mouth, yuki raises his little hands, he seems asking some strawberries from his father too, as he struggles out of yuri’s arms, “A mama’s boy eh?!” ryosuke joke earning a glare from his beautiful wife.

The glaring contest was interrupted by the sudden appearance of no other than, their best friend Yuto, who’s happily married to a lucky girl named haruna, and a daddy of a eight months old baby girl.

“YUII jii jii~” yuki squealed the moment he recognize his mommy and daddy’s best friend he was trying to say ‘yutti’, he went out of his mommy’s arms and run towards yuto, the taller grins goofily as he picked up the little boy and brought it into his arms
“Hey little man!” he said kissing his chubby cheeked
“yuii jii, let’s play kickball with daddy” he excitedly said, his parents standing up from their previous position and went towards their place too.
“hi yutti~” yuri called smiling at him and ryosuke does the same tapping his best bud’s shoulder, and his wife haruna appear from behind with her eight month old baby girl named Harumi in her arms.

“Haruna, glad to see you” she smiled approaching her and then the baby, the baby cooed cutely seeing her godmother “kawaii~” yuri giggled wanting to hold the baby, and all of them chuckles. She’s been dreaming of having a baby girl even before, it’s not like she’s not happy with having a boy, she’s actually very happy and fine with it.


“The baby bear seems very happy on his birthday, mommy bear made him a beautiful and delicious chocolate cake and daddy bear surprised him through showing his present,

When the baby bear saw the tree house that his dad made for him, he had a wide smile plastered on his face and he jumps up and down over and over again
‘Thank you daddy! Thank you daddy!’ he shouted happily, daddy bear smiled and hug him along with mommy bear

The bear family go back to their house, and what surprised the baby bear even more Is that, the Bear Clan is there; including Grandpa Bear, Grandma Bear, Aunt Bear, Uncle Bear and his two little cousins which is a twins, baby bambi bear the girl one and teddy the boy one.

‘grandy! Grammy! Teddy?!’ Said the baby bear in awe
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” the family said and baby bear run to hugged them’ ”

Ryosuke paused for a while he glances at the little boy beside him who’s already fast asleep. He closed the story book and fixes the blanket which covered yukito’s sleeping form, he caressed his chubby cheeked and kissed it.

Out of the baby room, he went straight to their bedroom; inside he saw Yuri laying her back on the mattress as she read some random magazines.
“Hey!” yuri called, closing the magazine and turning eyes at him. Ryosuke smiled and approach her, he lies beside her.
“yuki’s already sleeping.. I actually wanted to play with him”
“no ryo-chan, yuki need to rest, you can still play with him tomorrow though” yuri said giggling, and ryosuke nodded.
“How was my daughter” he asked, yuri look at him with her confused look
“What do you mean? Daughter?” she raised her right brow
“Are you still not going to tell me, that you’re pregnant?” ryosuke confessed, she shook her head and tried hard not to giggle.
“Not yet ryo-chan, and besides were not sure yet...” she sat and he sat as well facing her, he brought his hands and tenderly rubs her stomach
“I still wanted to spend more time with you and with our yukito” she smiled as she brought her arms and wrapped it around his. Her bright smiled warms his heart that he leaned and kissed her tenderly on the lips, when she pulled up she give him a grin
“Thanks for everything, and I guess another child of yours would be more amazing!” She said then brought her lips to his cheek, to his lips and kissed him tenderly again.
“I love you~” he whispered in between their kissed
“I love you too, much always and forever~” yuri whispered and the rest of the night was filled with their love from one another. Yuri couldn’t be any happier than seeing her family complete again, well! Thanks for the chances that he had given to him, it was worth it.

The happiness is found in a perfect time and perfect place. . .
Yuri was rewarded a happiness because of her patience and sacrifices. Because of her purity and kind hearted that he even give ryosuke another chance to be with her again although the guy had hurted her over and over again, he still feels the same kind of love and affection to him.


Uh-oh! I can’t think of any nice ending, so I made the typical one, a bittersweet one. /oh just wanted to remind you that my brain’s been fried up! hihihih~/
Thank you for those who read it from the very start, though it took some time for me to post my updates. HONTOUNI ARIGATOU! /bows/
And oh! Just wanted to tell you that there’ll be a sequel for this, coz I know the epilogue isn’t enough for too much angst that I putted in this story. Hihihihi ;3

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