Is There Any Chances for Us? Chapter Three

Apr 15, 2012 10:41

Title: Is There Any Chances for Us?
Pairing: YamaChii, NakaChii
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance
Rating: PG
Warning: Chinen is a girl here, I’m sorry but I really needed the ‘she’ for now for the plot. So, if you don’t like, you don’t need to read this. Thank You!
Note: I putted YamaChii as the main OTP here, but the story mostly contains YutoChii moments. Just want to let you know! Enjoy Reading. :)


Two months had already been passed and everything seems to be normal and by the way, yuri decided to find a job, so that she can be able to pay for her daily expenses, at first yuto doesn’t really like the idea of her getting a job but he knows the he must let her be, maybe it’s the only way for her to forget everything she encounter before and to forget the painful memories and by the way too, yuri didn’t attend ryosuke’s engagement party though she’s invited, yuri doesn’t like of course and yuto also wanted her not to attend so the only one who attended that party was yuto, he need to be there to give moral support to his best buddy.

“Welcome~” yuri greeted the customers who just came in, she’s actually working at the café.

A warm and sweet smiled always plastered on her face whenever she’s approaching the customers, and the café owner seems really fond of her attitude.
“What made you really happy almost everyday yuri?” the owner-san ask her, the two both standing outside that café and it’s already late at night.
“uhmmm, I’m always a happy person that’s all” yuri answered while helping the owner who’s now closing the café
“sou da ne~” the owner smile at her and not long after that a black car park in front of the two
“oh, seems like your husband is already here huh?!” the owner then said referring to yuto who’s getting out of the car.
“ieeee” yuri shook her head but her face flushed at the owner’s statement, about yuto being her husband. How yuto wish that yuri is his wife for real.
“Ok, I have to go. Ja~” the owner bid her goodbye leaving the two

“Am I late?” yuto ask while holding the stirring wheel
“Well! You’re just on time yuti~” yuri answer cutely “and I thought you’ll going to have some coffee here, I’ve been waiting for you since a while ago, for your information” she pouted making yuto chuckles
“I’m sorry, there’s an sudden meeting at my office, how about tomorrow?” yuto asks her
“Okay, just be sure or else.. uhmm.. Or else I won’t talk to you anymore!” yuri then said making yuto chuckles again

The two continue their happy talks while on their way to yuri’s home, yuto is actually sending yuri to her home, just to make sure that she’s safe.

Another working day to start and yuri still in her as usual, happy mood.

“Welcome~” she greeted the customer while bowing her head, little did she know that,
“Ryosuke?” she mumble while Her eyes are all wide, she doesn’t expect that his ex but not yet ex husband is one of the customers and the worst part is, the boy is with his fiancéé.
“yuri!” ryosuke all mumble at the same time, he didn’t expect for this too. It was just a pure coincident that is happening right now.

So, since she’s working she must act normal with the same amount of smile.

“I’ll just go to the wash room” his fiancéé said excusing herself to him and he nodded, he took the opportunity to talk to yuri even just for a minutes, so he decided to walk to the table in which yuri seated while writing down to her workbook.
“I didn’t know that you’re working here!” he started while taking a sit in the other side of the table where is in front of the girl.
“Well, now you know!” she said plainly without glancing at him
“How are you?”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking” yuri said normally still continuing what she’s doing
“uhmmm, anooo…” he wanted to open up a topic but his fiancéé is already standing from behind while calling his name. ryosuke and yuri both look at her. The girl crosses her arms over her chest and keeps on staring at their direction.
“You can! I don’t want her to get mad at you because of me!” yuri said while closing her workbook
“yuri..i-” yuri cut ryosuke’s sentence by excusing herself “excuse me!” and walking away, leaving him.

Yuri remains silent for the rest of the day, but still she had the smile on her face whenever she’s facing the customers. That makes the owner-san wonder for her sudden change of attitude.

“Is something happened today yuri?” she ask worriedly
“naaah~” yuri shook her head
“But you seems cheerless, is something wrong?”
“Maybe, I was just tired” she reason out while palming her forehead, she’s obviously tired.
“Is that so, you can rest tomorrow if you want, since you work hard in my café.” The owner suggested
Yuri shook her head “it’s ok”

“I know that our relationship might ended soon but I don’t want to think such things when were still together.
Now that you’re not with me anymore, the emptiness of my feelings just flows by it makes me want to lie down and close my eyes.”

“yuri what are you doing here alone?” the tall guy asks while taking a seat beside her, they’re currently outside “it’s cold here, you might get sick” he continue.
“I’m waiting for a shooting star” yuri mumble without turning her eyes at him.
“I see” he smiled as he look up above the dark sky which is filled with moon and stars.

The two remain silent , neither of them wants to talk, the tall guy felt hesitated to open up a topic as he felt something peculiar to the girl who’s sitting beside him. The quietness remains but not until yuto felt a sudden weight on his shoulder and when he looks at it, he saw yuri placing her head on his shoulder.

“i..i saw ryo-chan a while ago” the girl started “I saw him with his fiancéé, they look really good together” she smile bitterly, yuto slowly turn to face her.
“D-did he talk to you?” he asks irresolutely and yuri nodded
“But I don’t mind him; i don’t want to bother him anymore” she continue, but he hears no answer from yuto as another quietness takes over their spot

The tall guy wanted to asks her something, but he doesn’t really know wither to asks her or not. He knows that he needed to know about it.

“yuri?” yuto called her,
“hmmmm” yuri hummed while raising her head to face him “nani yuti?” she asks with her calming voice as always
“D…do you still love him?”
Yuri show a weakly smile before nodding her head “very much~ I really love him very much”
“soukka~” he titled his head, his heart ache when he heard her statement, but it’s not as hurt as before. He accepts the fact that yuri loves ryosuke very much, and as a good best friend to them he didn’t attempt to make any fuss to their relationship. It’s actually his chance now to get yuri’s love but he won’t grab this chance anymore, since yuri still loves ryosuke he won’t force the girl to love him coz he knows in the end, yuri will still choose ryosuke other than him.

“He’s very lucky to have you!” he suddenly blurted “if ryosuke really know how lucky he is, to have you.” but yuri shook her head
“No he’s not” yuri mumble “I’m useless, I can’t give him happiness, I can’t give him what he wants!”
“Why are you always thinking of that?! yuri you’re not useless! There’s a right time for that! We can’t always get what we want that easy!” he blunts
“Yes you’re right, we can’t get what we want that easy! But we tried so hard to have one but still nothing happen. And I’m obviously tired of waiting. I wonder when that right time is?!” she scoffs shaking her head as tears began to form on her dark orbs,
“I’m sorry!” yuto whisper as he pulled the girl into his tight embrace “I didn’t mean to say such thing” he added tightening his hug while patting her back to comfort her as the girl began to sob again.


Pretty much random! Isn’t it? I’m still sleepy! /yawn/
I hope you like it though. Don’t forget to leave your comment, Thank you!

yuto nakajima, pairing: nakachii, pairing: yamachii, chinen yuri, type: chaptered, yamada ryosuke

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