I can't keep this anymore, need to let it out!

Apr 17, 2018 21:17

Just my thoughts(probably rant) on some things related to B.I.Shadow, just ignore it lol you might feel I'm dramatic

So like the title says, just some things I been thinking about for the past few days, some fandom related and some just random(maybe not)
I dont know where to start, many people who know me and follow me on my facebook page know how much I loved B.I. Shadow and when Sexy Zone debuted I was so sad, I was crushed. Now that I think about those days and think back. I keep wondering if my babies hoku and kochi will ever debut, I have these feelins inside. Actually before SixTONES was formed didn't follow Shin(not so much but i did follow him because he was ryu baby brother),Juri,Taiga or Jesse at all, to be honest I thought it was weird at first when I saw them being together as bakaleya6, I never really talked to this to anyone before, but I feel like I should let this out now, even now I still think Johnny's messed up big time not debuting B.I. Shadow they were my ultimate favorite Johnny's jr group back then, thinking about it to this day, It makes me mad, really mad, sometimes I blame the kids from Sexy Zone, I know I shouldnt but sometimes I try to joke about it and just brush it off, but I can't I JUST CANT!

I LOVED B.I.Shadow so much and when Sexy Zone debuted I was so mad, really mad, it really doesn't compare to how I feelt when it was anounced that King & Prince would debut this time, back then I was so much younger than I am now lol I was so young and immature that I swear I wasnt gonna support Sexy Zone and to this day I havent really suported Sexy Zone as a group at all lol I only support my FumaKen and when I saw B.I shadow and Yuma with NYC, I definitley thought my babies will debut too, but no that never happened, it may have been just a temporary unit but whatever we all wanted B.I Shadow(at least back then we all did lol), and when Misaki was in the group(I wasnt around at the time he was) I saw him from old clips and when he was in scrap teacher, I really loved those 3 together, but then he left(I follow him on twitter even tho I don't really understand what he tweets sometimes) But B.I.Shadow was still a Johnnys jr group so I really followed them back then, then when SZ debuted I stoped following everyone, I was so mad to be honest, when bakaleya drama was announced I followed my babies back again xD I just couldnt leave them, but I was so bitter back then so I just followed them a little, it took me a while to kind of get over my shock, this might sound stupid for some people but for me this was a BIG SHOCK! I never experienced this before with any other group so I was debastated, I tried to follow them as much as I could but I just couldn't I t wasn't like before, I felt like something was missing for me, It actually took me sometime to accept SixTONES as a group, I didn't follow them as a group back then when they were created, I couldnt care less for them, even if Shintaro was there too with Hoku and Kochi, It just didn't felt right for me.

When I talked to my other fellow JUMP and Yuma fans friends they told me it was ok, to give Sexy Zone and SixTONES a chance, that it will be ok, even up to this day, there is not a single day when I don't remember B.I.Shadow(maybe because I have a picture of NYC/B.IShaodow on my wall) FOR ME they were the best Johnny's junior group ever, because I actually was around the time they were a unit, not like with JUMP.

I tried to understand because same happened with NEWS and JUMP and other groups,but back then my childish mind wouldnt understand, even to this day, I can't look at the other 3 members of Sexy Zone withouth remembering B.I.Shadow.

I don't want to expres these feelings because some fans who proclaim themselves as "experst" know it all about johnnys and juniors and stuff, they want to put you down for saying what you feel or for knowing more than you do, but I trully dont care about what anyone thinks, this is just how I feel. IM NOT AN EXPERT ON ANY GROUP AND I DONT KNOW MANY THINGS ABOUT MY FAVORITE GROUPS BECAUSE I JUST DONT!

I also dont know Japanese so I dont know much stuff that happened to them back then and even now, I try to understand that things happen for a reason, FumaKen is doing good with their group, so I have to understand that they are friends, they care for each other, they have said it many times even if I DONT want to accept it, I think is time for me to move on from my resentment I have towards Sexy Zone, I don't hate them or dislike them, but I feel I'm doing the same to King & Prince because they debuted instead of SixTONES, I guess this is what you called crazy or just childish, so IM TRYING TO MOVE ON.

I guess this is all I been thinking of lately.

Also what up with these fans who proclaim themselves to know it all, seriously, Is getting annoying, on facebook I just comment something on a article about subaru and the whole smap situation then this other girl came to attack me for not being able to move on  and not knowing my stuff properly and S**t like that, when I was just giving my OPINION, it wasnt even a fact, it was just a OPINION, we all have those. I seriously can't understand those type of fans, I never been like that, I have always say that I DONT KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO MY FAVORITES, How can I keep up with everything IF I HAVE A LIFE OF MY OWN, I HAVE WORK, SCHOOL AND MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS, I CANT BE ON THE INTERNET 24/7 searching for my idols and know everything about them, that S**t is annyoing, for real, Is nice to know things about them, yeah on a normal basis, but not stalk them, like I don't want to know when my idols goes to the restroom, like no, that's his private life, if he wants to share about his private life with us then that is fine, but me, ME STALKING THEM, NOP! NOT HAPPENING. I might have done it in the past if I had the chance but nop, now that Im grown up woman I find it disturbing, even some of my friends keep on doing that to ONE OK ROCK when they come to USA, not cool, it looks bad. They followed them to the back and wait for them to come out and actually make them mad, follow them everywhere. I love my friends we have fun together but I don't think is ok. One picture is cool yeah nice, but stalk them is annoying.

Also is like now a days everything is a competition between fans on who nows more about the idols, that is ridiculous.

I guess this is all I have to say, I been keeping this inside for so long I needed to let it out.

I might be rude with my words but I just couldnt keep this inside anymore.

Aso I'm not writing all this to make anyone mad, but I find livejournal a good place to let these kind of feelings out, I cant do it on facebook or twitter withouth being attacked so please Ignore it if you feel like I'm being to dramatic.

fumaken, nyc, nakayama yuma, life, sixtones, johnny's, johnnys jr, b.i.shadow, random

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