Title: Namida no Mukou
Author: Vangie zzz
Pairings: TaDaiki (Takaki X Daiki), Takaki X OC
Rating: NC-17
Genre: failed angst and smut! (yay for smut |D my favourite genre XD)
Summary: There are times when things don't go how you want. If there's a chance for you to turn back time to before you hurt someone really precious to you, would you?
Notes: I've got no idea why I suddenly feel like dedicating a tadaiki smut fic to kiki (
keeconk ). Eh, and I'm a noob for crying while trying to write angst but failing since I cried for 3 seconds and I laughed at my own writing D| I know my writing sucks D:
How could he be the third person? )