Mar 22, 2005 13:12
1. What does your LJ nickname mean?
ok... follow me... started as Harlequin > Harley Quinn > Harley > Hey > Hey-san
2. Elaborate on your icon photo?
that's actually me... taken by my friend Johnny Computer... while we were on the MYSPACE.COM bus...
3. Did you lie about your age anywhere on the net?
Not on the net... the only time I've lied about my age was to order Camel Cash stuff when I was like 16... so Camel thinks I'm like 35 now... ^_^
4. How many LJ friends do you have?
not alot.. just a select few that I actually care about...
5. What is your current status?
impatient... ready to do something today.. but instead waiting and bored on the interweb...
(6. ... hmm... 5 seems to be missing from who I cut and pasted this from...)
7. What is life to you?
hmm?... that changes day to day... but as long as it involve seeing my friends... works for me...
8. What is love to you?
I don't think I remember... which kinda sucks... oh well...
9. What kind of people do you hate most?
People that can't seem to understand that loud and obnoxious isn't funny in all situations...
10.What type of people do you like most?
People w/ a witty... dry sense of humor... and loyalty to stick around after all the drama is washed away...
11.What makes you happy?
new things... anything new... whether it's a new toy... or going to a new mall or grocery store... just something that I haven't experienced before...
12.Are you musically inclined?
god I hope so... otherwise my other band members have been humoring me for the past 14 years... (different bands of the last 14 years... not the same one...)
13.What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out that the person you love most didn't exist or was killed?
Cry ALOT... and not drink for a year...
14.If you could go back in time and change ONE thing, what would you change?
hmm... I don't know... craploads of regrets... but then again... to change one thing for the "better" can lead to other mistakes... I watch time travel shows... I know what's up... fuck you question for trying to trick me...
15.If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what will you be?
16.Ever had a near death experience?
geez... that's an understatement... anyone that knows me knows that this is a regular thing...
17.Name ONE obvious personality quality you have.
18.What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
Wannabe - Spicegirls... This is only because of the answer for the last question...
19.Are you happy today?
20.Who will cut and paste this first?
um... DUG?... hell... I don't know that shit...