Oct 28, 2004 18:47
Why does it always seem like incompetent people end up in management? Seriously, it has to be a HUGE coincidence that 90% of America complains about their bosses' abilities, personalities, style, etc... don't you think?
Take my boss for example: I'm not denying that she is a smart woman, but I seriously think she is bipolar! She asks me to do tasks A, B, and C... so I do and bring it back to her. Then she acts all surprised and pissed and says "No, I asked you to do D, E, and F!!" Very frustrating. But let's take it a step further... I have figured out that if I re-arrange or alter what I originally did (exactly what she asked for) and present THE SAME information to her as C, B, and A, she'll say "Thanks for making those changes! This is EXACTLY what I asked for!" Crazy no? But at least I have her figured out.
Now, my lead on the other hand is just a moody bitch. He thinks he is sooooo great, when really he relies on me to get things done. Funny thing is, our crazy boss (mentioned in above paragraph) is on to him and knows that I carry the department. So, she is starting to push him to "step up" but he just continues to mirror a menstrual woman, except on a week-long cycle instead of monthly! What's a girl to do? I seriously want to offer him Midol to help with his mood swings, but I don't think he would take the suggestion very well.
On a happier note, I am eating yummy veggie pizza and listening to Rock Against Bush. I'm not listening for any political reasons. It's just a good CD that I got for free from my other music whore friend Ray.
Oh and by the way, it is fucking freezing out! My friend Shannon picked me up for work today, but forgot to mention that she had things to do after work so she couldn't give me a ride home. So my chilly little ass rode the bus home. We have been trying to car pool since we live about two miles away and work in the same building. No biggie, the bus was warm and I timed it just right so's I didn't have to wait outside for more than about five minutes total Not bad, if I do say so myself... oh, and I do! Ha ha!
This evening's plan: work out, find clothes for tomorrow, and save more music to my computer. I'm such a geek.