Hey guys. This is how election night went down. The girl and guy were like "Okay Pais we are going to Grant Park and we are leaving all the lights off so you can sit here in the dark and we are going to forget to even turn on the tv so you can at least watch the news and when we get home we will be too tired to play mice okay BYE." That was not cool. Then I couldn't draw my comic because the girl was like "Shh Pais you are making too much noise I am tired from standing around on grass and I am trying to sleep but I need you in the bed with me" and I was like well, okay. Snuggles are most important.
Did you have a good time on election day?
If you are interested in buying any copies of Hey Pais. Or any one inch buttons. You should visit my Etsy shop! Just click the picture of my store here:
I hope you are staying warm! I love you!