Nov 07, 2008 09:11
Dear Cisco Systems,
I have been a Systems Engineer for the last 11 years and have supported Cisco products my whole career, however I am extremely disappointed in your Executive Charles Stucki. Charles Stucki donated $6,000 on 8/8/08 to Yes on Prop 8, which is discrimination at its finest. I have always thought Cisco was a great company, but after finding this information I will need to ensure that everyone I am acquainted with knows how one of your executives supports discrimination in a constitution that purportedly assures the rights of everyone in the state of California.
On your website you state “We develop programs and policies to support our employees’ work-life integration, and provide a stimulating and inclusive work environment to foster their development.” I find this contradictory to the support your executive Charles Stucki gave to Prop 8. If you are truly an inclusive environment, I would assume your management team would also be inclusive and not tolerate discrimination. From this point forward, I will do my best to not support Cisco Products and advise any company I work for to buy other products.
Thank you,
Redwolf Painter