Nervous as fuck.

Feb 22, 2007 21:55

I'm nervous as fuck about getting my tonsils out.
It's my fucking tonsils, it's crazy that I'm this freaked out about it.
UGGGGH I sat around and did nothing all fucking day, I couldn't even go hang out tonight, she scheduled me for a haircut at 7:15 just so it would be late by the time we got done with groceries, and eating dinner.
I like my haircut though, it's short again, short enough for me to get the Jimmy Nuetron back in style.
I go in at 6 tomorrow morning, 8 hours from now!
Should be at home sleeping by like Noon or 1 they said.
I'm going to attempt to sleep now, since there is nothing else to do, and myspace and the internet are just getting boring.
Goodnight everybody.
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