Feb 15, 2007 22:22
I was just watching Scrubs, and I believe I watched probably the best 30 minutes of tv in my life.
It had such a good message about acceptance behind it. Brendan Frasier was the guest actor or whatever and he has luekemia and is Dr. Cox's brother in law, refuses to get a check up for it, Dr. Cox convinces him to do it gives J.D., who had this elderly dude to take care of who he didn't think had long, all his patients and leaves to go get someone out of jail. Dr. Cox leaves for a little while, and when he comes back J.D. tells him that 20 minutes after Dr. Cox had left, he went into cardiac arrest and died. Dr. Cox blames J.D. for everything and takes all his patients back because he thinks J.D. failed. Brendan Frasier continues to follow Dr. Cox around talking to him and trying to get him to forgive J.D. but he wont. Dr. Cox stays at the hospital for like 3 days and is so beat because he's been taking care of all of his patients day in and day out. Brendan Frasier continues to try to get him to apologize and finally he does, and wants him to leave the hospital for Dr. Cox's sons birthday party. You see them both walking and Brendan Fraiser is wearing a shirt and jeans and Dr. Cox a black suit, he asks why he has to get dressed up and Brendan doesn't, then you see J.D. behind him and he asks where Dr. Cox thinks he's at, and he realizes he's at a cemetary and you think it's a funeral for the elderly guy J.D. was taking care of, but it ends up being for Brendan Frasier (that was the OHHHH moment") then you realize he died from his leukemia and that Dr. Cox just could'nt accept it. There was so much more to that episode but that was the main thing that got me. So good. I have'nt updated in a while and i'm sorry. Things have been good I guess. I get my tonsils taken out in a week! I'm a little nervous for next Friday, but I'm hopeful it all goes well. Valentine's Day was not so eventful, no Valentine for me :( Made some cards for a few people, that was fun. I like working in Photoshop alot. Brian and I are starting to get serious with designing I think, I've been working on alot of possible ideas for tees and hoodies! They will be amazing just you wait and see. Cute ones for you girlies, and brutal ones for you dudes, you will feel more than comfortable in our stuff while lookin cute, and while bringing teh mosh! Look out for an update on those sometime soon. Good colors and stuff too, all sorts of good contrasts and differences. GUHHH. I rather enjoy John Mayer, he's an amazing guitarist and song writer, and he seems like he would be the coolest most relaxed guy to hang out with. I've been listening to his records alot lately, good stuff I tell you. I have off tomorrow, geeked. I think I'm going to get started on sleep. Goodnight all!
It's not a silly little moment,
It's not the storm before the calm.
This is the deep and dying breath of,
This love we've been working on.