(no subject)

May 07, 2010 16:07

pastelplaid:  brb checking your twitter
 me:  hahah
i was thinking
if im gonna doa  philosophy
i have to start with an assumption
if i start with the hindu assumption or what4eve,r or like
the sufi idea
that i haev
that god is everything
then i have to start with that as my assumption
'god is everything'
if thats my assumption, what follows ?
it follows that god is EVERYTHING
what does it mean if its everything
it means that it is confusing
it means that it is CONFUSION
it means that it is terrible, horrible things
it means that it is manipulation, disease
dis ease
dis aster
disaster means bad stars
i means that its doubt
it means that it is atheism !
it means that it is science and inquiry, materialism
it means that it is solipsism
it means that it is every idea and every thing
and every person and every possibility
and even every non possibility
 pastelplaid:  yes
 me:  cause since its a possibility, we can think of it
so we can think of its opposite
i just been thinking about all of that
i just been thinking that
the yin yang is a really good symbol for an idea like that
where everything has a complimentary opposite
and inside the opposite
there is a tiny seed of the other side
a seed of white in the black
that theyre interdependent
i was thinking about that a lot when the saints won the sueprbowl
i was thinking that
 pastelplaid:  i was just trying to find a picture i saw earlier
 me:  since the people here
knew the extreme and terrible sorrow
of katrina
 pastelplaid:  it was an over shot of the oil spill but it looked like a ying yang
 me:  and losing their homes and their properties asnd their friends and family
that thye knew that loss
that terror, that sorrow that anguish
that it made the opposite of it, the joy in the  community
when it came together as a team
and wed cheer for a football game
and say afterward that 'WE' won
it was like the opposite degree of it
it was like, cause we knew the tragedy
it made the good that much better
i been thinking aobut that a lot lately .
i been thinking about how
when youd oubt something
when you are skeptical of it
how much of a BENEFIT that ends up being
how it helps you know whatever youre scoping out even better
that, if i criticize religion
it helps me underestand religion better
that if i doubt god
it helps me see god better
to me
it all seems kind of
bound up with that 'neti neti' idea
'thats not it !'
 pastelplaid:  i like a little doubt
 me:  i was like
riding around with amanda
kinda stoned
thinking 'oh shit !!!! ...
'its already been all figured otu ! !! ! 1....
then id just laugh
 pastelplaid:  were you driving
 me:  then i was like
then i was like
'oh shit its already figured out ....
and at the same tiem
its not figured out at all !!!!!!'
then id just laugh and feel crazy
and say 'thats the best part  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
its a coincidence of opposites
its knowing and not knowing
at the same time
 Sent at 3:59 PM on Friday
 me:  hehehe
its weird
that assumption though
'god is everything'
is just what those jews and shit always said was a scary idea, that might be dangerous for some people
i can SEE why its dangerous
 pastelplaid:  wait why
 me:  its terrifying and envigorating at the same time
its genius and insanity mixed together
 pastelplaid:  oh shit its happening

note: putting together my new poetic/ philosophical/ political/ ethical vision
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