AmBari Nutrition - Week 1 Results

Feb 07, 2014 09:51

Last week I talked about my desire to lose weight, and how I got in touch with AmBari Nutrition and asked to review their products. They were kind enough to send me some samples to get me started, and last Friday began Day 1 of my diet. Having done meal replacement diets in the past, I knew they can be pretty hardcore and difficult to stick to. So I decided that I would allow myself to have any vegetables I wanted, and small bits of protein, as well, to ensure I had enough calories. After all, I AM still breastfeeding, and it is important I don’t go too crazy.

The first couple of days… I’ll be honest… they didn’t go so well. The food from AmBari was delcious. Not at all as bad as I expected them to be. Most times I’ve tried these things, it has been like eating cardboard. But the bars are actually really wonderful. They also provided some Pizza Flavored Tasty Bites (kind of like Chex mix) which were AWESOME and a frosted Oatmeal Raising cookie which was AMAZING. I wasn’t a big fan of the cheddar flavored Potato Bites at all, and while I really REALLY wanted to like the Cheese Steak flavored Macaroni, it was only so-so.

I was pleasantly surprised by how good the shakes were. I got some Hazelnut flavored powder, which I was able to really easily mix up thanks to the AmBari shaker. It comes with a small wire ball which acts as an internal whisk - so you don’t get clumps or powdery bits when you’re drinking. And it was yummy!

The biggest problem I had over the last week was that I was quite ill. I’m battling a pretty awful headcold, and it started last Friday, just in time for the diet. So for the first three days, I basically was eating normally, though I did cut out the Starbucks and tried to have smaller portions. It was Sunday before I really was able to properly pull my thumb out.

I didn’t expect to have amazing results given that I wasn’t sticking strictly to the meal replacements. I also did NO exercise at all this last week, which is pretty sad actually. But I weighed myself each morning, and I felt good watching the scale go down.

In the end, here is the track my weight took:

I went from 177 lbs to 172.8 lbs in seven days. That’s a loss of 4.2 lbs in one week. I am ecstatic!

I have done these sorts of diets before, and I remember week one losing between 8 - 14 lbs, and I knew it was just water weight or just my body STARVING. But this time, adding in a bit of food, drinking water and taking it easy, I know the weight is properly coming off. My measurements haven’t changed much, but I definitely feel like my clothes fit ever so slightly better, and when I look in the mirror, I can see my silhouette is not QUITE so lumpy and bumpy.

Small baby steps are what is needed.

Now that I am used to the food and have seen some great first week results, I am even more excited about the next week. I am hoping to do some exercise in, eat even better and see if I can lose another 2 - 3 lbs before next Friday. I am going to be keeping a video log of my progress, so that’ll be up next week.

I’m so excited and very grateful to AmBari for their help!

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