Baby Bully

Oct 12, 2011 15:10

Today the little man had a play date with two little girls who were in my Mummy and Baby group. These kids have been friends since they were just weeks old, and occasionally us mothers meet up for coffee and a natter.

Baby C and Baby J are two of the cutest little girls in the world. Their big toothy smiles (which I’m completely jealous of - teeth! If only Dex would grow some!) are infectious, and they always seem to be full of giggles and mirth.

Dexter, a usually very happy and placid child seems to have a problem with other babies. I don’t know what it is, but kids just upset him. It was only after our two week sojourn to the USA to see my family that he even stopped screaming when children came on the television. But put him around real live babies… and he just can’t deal.

As soon as we got there, it started. Baby C was her usual cheerful self, burbling with enthusiasm at her visitor. Dexter pretty much ignored her for a few moments, trying to figure out his new surroundings and which toys he could steal to chew on. And then it happened: Baby C let out a loud shriek which startled my poor little boy. In his panic, he began to cry. Big hot tears rolled down his shiny cheeks, and he scrambled toward my legs like he would climb up me. I quickly soothed him and set him back down. But Baby C wasn’t done. Sensing that something was going on, she smiled wide and let out another shriek. And another. And another.

Dexter, poor boy was beside himself. He couldn’t understand this big noise, nor the mirror-like image in pink before him. He just blubbed into my legs, begging me to save him from the banshee.

And then Baby J arrived. A lovely little gal, she’s not as noisy as her counterpart, and being a month younger, she isn’t as sure of herself yet. So when Baby C yelled out, and Dex started to cry, Baby J quickly got flustered herself.

Imagine 90 minutes of this. C would shriek, Dex would cry and J would look confused, though not terribly upset.

In an effort to keep him as calm as possible, I removed his clothes and gave him a baby biscotti, which did the trick for a short while so that us mommies could converse a bit. But before long, the chaos resumed. Poor Dex just didn’t have it in him to deal with girls.

Eventually, things got quieter and babies started to fuss and Mama K and I decided to take our leave of Mama M.

As the babies sat together for a last few moments, Baby J, sensing Dexter’s obvious distress came up to him and tried to offer a friendly gurgle. But Dexter, already distressed by these womenfolk, simply broke down, while Baby C looked on in obvious glee.

Defeated, but having had a lovely time anyway, we headed home so that Dex could unwind and get a bit of much needed rest.

Many thanks to Mama M for hosting us and Mama K for coming along to make it a fun afternoon.

And personal note to Mama M (should you read this): I don’t ACTUALLY think of your wonderful baby as a bully. I just think it’s fun to say. ;)

This post originated at A Mother Thing ( If you want to leave a comment, please do so here:

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