Guess Who’s Back!

Sep 21, 2011 05:19

Well it’s pretty bad when you go to update your blog only to find out its been removed because you forgot to renew your site! Luckily we are back up and running now, and life seems to have started to calm down (she says hopefully…..).

Apologies, though, that it has been so long since an update. We are all very well and very happy. But for some reason, the last few months have been hard, and though so much has happened, I’ve just not had the umph needed to keep up with this journal. It’s a shame, really, as I would love to have had a chronicle to look back on over the summer given that a baby goes through so much in his first few months.

Still, no time like the present to get back to it, eh?

We recently returned to the UK after a two week holiday in America, visiting my family in Pennsylvania. It was a wonderful time, and Dex had a ball playing with his cousins, meeting his aunts and uncles, and most especially hanging out with Grammy and Grampa. He is the light of his grandfather’s eye, which is lucky since he’s named for him!

Mark and I were able to secure a lot of bonding time whilst abroad, and we even had our first night away from Dexter when we visited the beautiful Niagra Falls. We hadn’t intended to spend our first night away from the baby in another country, but the hotel we booked was on the Canadian side. We nearly turned about and went home, but luckily we stuck it out and had an absolutely amazing time.

Anyway, Dexter is now seven months old, if you can believe it. He’s thriving and becoming his own little person, which I couldn’t be prouder about. Little man is truly one of a kind. Of course, being the little Aquarian that he is, he does things in his own way and in his own time. This is best illustrated by the fact that he absolutely refuses to crawl (or even try!), yet he will happily spend 90% of his day trying to walk. He’s getting pretty good, too, and I honestly believe we’ll be seeing him take his first unassisted steps sometime in the next few weeks.

There is so much more I would say, but for now I will leave it there. Along with promises that I will not leave it so long this time… I plan on updating much more often and really keeping tabs on what’s going on in the life of my little love, as well as in mine and Mark’s world.

Until next time, here’s wishing you all love and light. And a very very happy Autumn!

This post originated at A Mother Thing ( If you want to leave a comment, please do so here:

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