Who You Are

May 09, 2011 18:00

Dear Dexter,

It’s been almost 12 weeks since your birth, and this is the first letter I’ve written you since before you arrived. I’ve wanted to say so much to you, but I usually just tell you personally, whispering in your little ears as I hold you close to me. I love to hold you, breathe in your scent, kiss your little face and see your amazing smile.

Lately you’ve started to chat back to your dad and me. You will burble and coo and make noises that I could distinguish from any baby anywhere. Your sounds are your own, much like your smell and your cry.

Everyone who sees you falls in love with you. I’m not making that up. You always get the same two compliments: How beautiful your eyes are (to which your dad always replies, “He’s got his mother’s eyes.”) and How alert you are!

And both are true. Your eyes are a special shade of blue. I inherited them from my father, for whom you are named, and you got them from me. Mine have got me a lot of attention in my time, and I can see that you are well on your way to getting the same.  As for how alert you are… well I’ve little to compare it to, having never had another baby, but I can see that you are always looking around, taking in the world and trying to make sense of it all. It is your main distinguishing characteristic. And clearly everyone knows.

You won’t remember when you’re older, but for the last few weeks, we’ve been going to a Mummies and Babies group in the local area. And you’ve made some little baby friends. There’s Cherie and her son Jude, a week older than you are. There’s Kate and baby Jessica. There’s Morag and baby Clara. And there’s Fatsai and baby Danielle. We are all learning and growing together, trying to compare and gain knowledge as much as possible. In our group, you and Baby Danielle are the only two with hair on your heads. This is a source of endless pride for me, you having been born with a full head!

I can hear you stirring from your little cat nap you’ve been taking in your baby swing now. I’d better end this letter here, and I promise not to leave it so long between them next time.

Just know that I am so in love with you, more than any mother has been with her baby, ever. My heart is full and my whole life is devoted to your eternal happiness and care.

I love you, Dexter.

Now and always.

Forever your loving mother,


This post originated at A Mother Thing (http://www.amotherthing.com). If you want to leave a comment, please do so here: http://www.amotherthing.com/2011/05/who-you-are/#comments

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