I’ve spoken before about my drive to understand social networking and get more out of this blog. It would be super lovely to actually be able to make money from my online obsession, despite not really knowing how to start. Once this baby comes, I’m a full-time mother, which sadly doesn’t give me a paycheque.
So I’ve been reading up a lot on ways to make my site more PR-Friendly (not to mention user-friendly, which is more my end game).
I came across
this article at adventuroo.com, which I was quite pleased with. It gives simple, clear details on how to improve your blog and make it so that people actually WANT to explore. I like to think that I do much of it already, but I know there is much to improve upon.
When first setting up, I did find it a mite tricky getting the look I wanted without having enough content to see what it would REALLY look like in the end. I’ve been decently happy, though, once I started blogging regularly, and I felt it was pretty easy to navigate and find one’s way around. But since having a proper think about (and reading the above article), I’ve started to reassess and come to terms with the fact that I have to be more brutal to make this blog worth reading.
So, I’ve decided to have a remodel. I’m going to have to change my header anyway, as it currently features a big old preggo woman, and very soon I won’t BE a big old preggo woman anymore. So this is a good opportunity to revamp the entire thing.
I’m actually quite excited! Just hope I can pull it off!!
This post originated at A Mother Thing (
http://www.amotherthing.com). If you want to leave a comment, please do so here: