What, _that's_ your pitch ?

May 05, 2005 09:42

Hmm. So Labour, obviously, would like me to vote for them. They could probably say something like "so, dude, we brought in the minimum wage, and chid trust funds, and ran the economy" and they'd have a point. But no, it goes like this.

"Don't vote Lib Dem, y'eejit, the Torys will get in."
Well fuck you Tony, maybe you should have thought about during the eight years that you could have made even the slightest sound on preportional representation. You ignored PR, you live with the consequences and don't lump the responsibility for your administrative oversights on me, you fuckwad.

"Don't protest vote, it'll let the Torys in."
Again, Tony ol' chum, your actions are entirely your own. You're the one strutting out your like me or lump me, nation will judge me shite. So don't know ask me not to. When two million of us marched on London, you turned a blind eye and said that wasn't how democracy works. And now you want _us_ to turn a blind eye in return, is _that_ how democracy works ?

Is that really the very best pitch they've got ? It still beats the conservative "vote for us and we'll put those gypo bastards in someone else's backyard" pseudo white supremisisct garbage, but let's face it, it's not exactly compelling, is it ?
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