Jul 07, 2007 22:40
**Montauk was AWESOME. As always. :-D I'm in LOVE with that place!!! We had a perfect boat ride there (and me and Joe drove the whole way! ... while drinking woodchucks, haha!), PERFECT weather - not a cloud in the sky!!! I spent ALL of my time out at the beach/pool tanning, swimming and drinking wayyyyyy too many pina coladas.... sigh.
The life.<3
**I started my own home business with Arbonne! I know most people may think "lame" but honestly it's the opportunity of a lifetime. For ANYONE that hasn't heard of it or wants to know more about it ... PLEASE let me know! I'm sure I'll be writing this huge entry soon enough...I'm so in love with the products and the opportunity that it provides people. HONESTLY, a job that you can make your own hours and end up with rewards like getting earrings in the mail...Tiffany's bracelets....a WHITE mercedes?!?! :-) Of COURSE it takes work to get to that point but really, I couldn't be more motivated!
**The ESPN job is looking good! I will *hopefully* be working there soon (THANK you, Sheri!) But we'll see what happens. I don't want to jinx it....but I should be hearing back from them this week! :-) Wooooo!
**Going to be teaching little kiddies this coming Monday at Heather's band camp @ Windsor High! I've NEVER taught little kids before, so this should be fun. ;-) But I get to run a clarinet / flute sectional! And I'm dragging Andrew and Tony with me to do the saxophones/brass. :-) Oh yessss.
**Also Monday is: JULY 9TH. THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF ITALIA WINNING THE WORLD CUP. I'm sure I'll repost this again on Monday. It's my obsession. Clearly. :-D
Justine's coming to visit me now toooooooo! Gotta run!
Goodnight loves.<3