Apr 10, 2005 21:06
well time for another entry I bet you guys are getting tired reading the same shizzznit anywho.. This weekend was swell drove up to Temecula for the first time scurrry shit but I managed to get through it haha. Friday drove up to Temecula at about 12 and got there about 2. Got to see my lovely cousins, they're so cute. Anyways went to the mall there and I have to say I've never seen so many goth punks in my life in one room. Anyways Saturday went to some park called Pharaohs Lost Kingdom weird place but it was fun. There workers were sooo old, you wouldn't think people that old would work there. Anyways stayed there for the longest time then finally went home to my aunties house. PLayed with my baby cousin because yeh I can. Went home today and the drive back was not as long as the drive there it's so weird how that happens. And now Im a petterz okay bye.