My Life According to William Matthews

Sep 15, 2009 08:39

Cool enough meme to pass on, from the blue and white world of the facebooks: Using only poem titles from one poet, answer these questions. Pass it on people you like, including me. Do not repeat a title. Re-post as "My Life According to [poet]."

Are you a male or female?
The Mail

Describe yourself.
Driving Alongside the Housatonic River Alone on a Rainy April Night

How do you feel?
Eternally Undismayed Are the Poolshooters

Describe where you currently live.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
On the Porch at the Frost Place, Franconia, NH

Dream vacation:
Pissing off the Back of the Boat into the Nivernais Canal

Where you feel safe:
Grandmother, Talking

Your favorite form of transportation:
Taking the Train Home

What's the weather like:
April in the Berkshires

Your favorite time of day:
Waking at Dusk from a Nap

Your relationships:
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Your friendships:
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life

Your fear:
The Theme of the Three Caskets

Your greatest regret:
Old Girlfriends

Your dream job:
The Drunken Baker

Your alma mater:
A Poetry Reading at West Point

Your name, if you could change it:
The Wolf of Gubbio

Your favorite color:
Mood Indigo

Your favorite food:
An Egg in the Corner of One Eye

Your favorite part of the body:

Your biggest pet peeve:
Sticks & Stones

Your worst habit:

Your death:

Your religion:
Cows Grazing at Sunrise

Your daily routine:
Dog Life

Your philosophy of life:
I Let a Song Go out of My Heart

Your soul's present condition:
Slow Work

Your best advice:
Bucket's Got a Hole in it.

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