Apr 10, 2008 00:18

"Pro-Tibetan independence groups, such as Students for a Free Tibet, have initiated a campaign to protest the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics.[87][88][89] The group plans to protest for Tibetan independence and objects to the Chinese government's use of the Tibetan antelope (chiru) as one of its five mascots.[90]
Hollywood actor Richard Gere in his position as the chairman of the International Campaign for Tibet called for the boycott of the games to put pressure on China to make Tibet independent."

First of all the Chinese government is not going to be like "Hmmm...Let's free Tibet! We've never thought about this before."

Second of all, there are no "HUMAN RIGHTS" anywhere in China. The Western media does not know that the human rights issue has to do with the fact that Tibetans are beating up the native Chinese living there and the Chinese police had to find a way to stop the violence and the protests. Westerners always distort and misconstrue this issue as police brutality whereas the police is a lot more brutal to its own native Han Chinese. One huge misconception is that Tibetans can not vote, are tortured, and have less rights than the native Chinese.
1. Can anyone vote in China?
2. The government killed 350,000,000 and tortured millions of its own native people during the Cultural Revolution and spared its ethnic minorities. The people who died were well-educated or rich Han Chinese. Talk about killing off your best gene pool...
3. Ethnic minorities get more rights in China than the Han Chinese. The One child policy does not apply to them. They get more health care and educational benefits than the native Chinese. The list goes on.(I know this for a fact because my dad's brothers were married to Uyghur women. She gets better housing than the women in her department and she has two kids.)
***If the Tibetians would stop beating up the native Chinese, there would be no issues.***

Third, if the Chinese government decides to free Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan are all going to want to be free. Next will come Guangzhou,Fujian, and Shanghai. That is just ridiculous. What...more war and millions of people dying as a result. People are always going to find as many differences within themselves as possible. If Tibet separates, America might as well give up Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, California, and the South. Heck, Tibet has a closer genetic and cultural tie to China than America has to Hawaii and Puerto Rico. 95% of Taiwanese are actually native Chinese and speak Mandarin.

Fourth, rich, politically savvy Westerners like Richard Gear need to stay out of the picture. What they know is from the Western media and the Western media likes Tibet. What they do not know is the Chinese point of view. America's love for Israel is a great example. From a Palestinian point of view, it is completely different.

Overall, only the Chinese and the Tibetians should get involved in this. Everyone else should just shut up because they do not understand the complete picture.
If Westerners really want to help, they should try to FREE CHINA and promote HUMAN RIGHTS for CHINA, not some minority group who has more rights than the Han Chinese.
If Americans are really so concerned for human rights, go to North Korea or Dafur. I think the North Korean situation is farrrr more serious and I don't hear Richard Gear heading any FREE North Korea teams.
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