Sep 11, 2008 12:19
That's what was written on the shirt that I wore for work at the grocery store 7 years ago. I know I won't ever forget.
I was in choir. A teacher came in and pulled Ruth out of the room. Then they both walked in and Ruth said, "I can't even describe what's going on right now..but we are living history..." and then the other teacher proceeded to tell us that America was under attack. We turned on TV shortly after the second tower was hit.
I saw the towers fall in Algebra II. We cried. The teachers cried. Never have I heard such silence in a high school. No one spoke and when we did it was in hushed whispers. A girl in my Algebra class was almost in hysterics because her mom was at the Pentagon and she couldn't get through on a cell phone. All day we watched and mourned.
In my final class of the day we saw people in different parts of the world celebrating our tragedy. They burned our flag and praised our deaths. I was infuriated. I was beyond infuriated.. I was so mad I got dizzy. I couldn't fanthom why anyone would celebrate a mass killing of innocent people.
We were a unified country in the wake of 9/11. We stood together and said we would overcome. We hugged each other. We mourned together. We looked for hope together.
Then what happened? Part of me feels that the terrorists consider 9/11 a victory. Since then our country has divided in two. We're so busy going after each other and arguing about what to do that we're getting lost in it all. There's mud slinging and people taking things out of context and outright lying. All to prove to the "other side" that "we're right." What does that help? Aren't we all on the same side? If we spend all our time going after each other then how are we supposed to do anything to prevent another 9/11?
At what point will people stop saying "it's my way or no way" and try to find a middle ground? When will we take care of our country and heal together?
We will never forget the events that happened on September 11, 2001. May God help those who lost loved ones on that terrible day and all of us who still feel sick when we remember.