Jan 17, 2006 15:09
you no what i decided... i dont understand why people dont love life... i loooove life so much!
so ne way im going to COLORADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOMRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im just way pumped up... fresh snow!!!!!!!!!!!! hell yes!
wow im in love ... with life
exams are ooooooooooooVERRRRRRRRRRR
dklfj dl;kj a;ldjka;sdlkf js;adlf asd
someone remind me to bring my oireachtas picuters to dance porf cuase ill def do that and they are super swank
i cant tell you how much that i cant wait for some snow or some summer!!!!
ya im taking a break from packing...
lets see nothing real exciting has happened in my life lately becuase iv been studying for like the whole last week and ntohing else!