Jun 05, 2006 08:46
I had an odd dream. Well, it wasn't that odd, but the interpretation of it was .. well,
In my dream, I'm driving down my street (victory drive bitches) to a house I've never seen there before. I pull into the driveway and I'm telling the car that I'll be back in a few minutes, which was kinda weird. I go into the house via the back door, and see this girl. We sit and talk for alittle bit and then all of a sudden this girl who I'm having great conversation with, and who I seem interested in, turns into a boy. Which, is another weird thing although, it doesn't phase me, I don't even notice. So we're still talking and chilling out at his(/her? haha) pad and we walk out the front door hand in hand toward my car. There's this big buildup of walking from the door to my car. I'm in the passenger seat, and I can see myself smiling ear to ear, and I know I really like this person, but I feel myself, inside - crying. Once we reach the top of the corner, I jump out of the car and suddenly I am on a bicycle riding away from the car and it's driver. I'm crying hard and going so fast I can't breathe and I can't stop. Literally, when I tried to stop the bike, it seemed there were no brakes.
The dream continued to another and another, but FUCK! This dream speaks so much volume to me.
The car, represents a relationship, or love.
The boy/girl represents a possible love/relationship, and the transition of genres in the dream points out my disinterest in just one sex.
The whole "walking out the front door buildup to the car" is the whole stage of 'yeah we like eachother' to, once reaching the car, 'we're together' or whatever.
Reaching the corner and jumping out, obviously symbolizes, once things get to a certain point, I bail.
And the brakes? I can't stop this pattern. I have to keep riding. Even if I don't want to.
Isn't it amazing what dreams can show you? Even if you already knew of what you're being shown?