Sep 27, 2005 15:10
my precious little (well ok, not so little) cat max died yesterday. i loved my max so much. i got her when i was in 3rd grade and she lived for 11 years. she was always kind of evil as a kitten but once she started getting older and *bigger* she got so sweet. max always loved me though. i was the one she would want to sleep on. everytime i came home she ran to the door. she never seemed to do this with anyone else. i feel so bad that i wasn't there for her.
i'm going to miss curling up next to her on the couch when i'm sick.
i'm going to miss the way she always wanted to rub my face with her nose.
i'm even going to miss her constant meowing for food.
max was the best cat you could have asked for... at least i think so. she was my kitty and i loved her. max will be missed so much.