Mar 01, 2010 00:00
What is this for?
♥ To contact me for something characterization wise you believe iffy and are afraid to tell me so over AIM (Larisa Thessaly) or email ( concerning any of these three characters alone. Anon or signed up. Comments are to be screened unless there's desire to be unscreened. I'll know and if you want a reply, I'll try to give you that. OOCness, stagnant development, inconsistency, unfair info modding, probable godmodding, etc, etc. None of this are done in purpose, but I'm human and I can easily make stupid mistakes. Want to fix them up.
♥ Rl vored me and I'm unable to thread/be active/get you back for a plot! Too of that AIM is just being an ass too. So this will be a message center and heads up! Link me any important stuff I missed.