Mar 07, 2005 08:42
The Ultimate Kissing Survey
Age of first kiss: first kiss i was 8 and it was behind the wooden house at churchill but my first real kiss i was 14
Number of people you've kissed: o jeez i have no idea over 30 lol
French kissing is: is fmazing if the guy your kissing knows what he is doing
The worst kind of kiss is: sometimes drunk and sloppy or they are just a bad kisser
The best kisser you know: john
The worst kisser you know: ryan
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: none
Friend you would like to kiss: mike
Favorite movie kiss: hitch
Do you kiss on the first date? depends
Eyes open or closed? closed
Average number of kisses you get a day: it WAS like 3275923875 now it's a big fat 000
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? yes opps
The last person you kissed: nick
Best placed to be kissed: forehead, of course lips....and then there are other places
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? once and i was drunk and it was just a peck
What about the opposite sex? confused
Do you consider kissing cheating? yeah
The longest you've gone without a kiss: pry 2 or 3 weeks
The kiss you regret most is: ryan
Kissing in public is: ok sometimes as long as its cute and not making out or in front of the fam
Tongue rings are: fun at times and again depends if the guy knows what he is doing with it
Two girls kissing is: just werid but if their happy im not going to stop them
Two guys kissing is: werid too but as long as their happy