care less

Feb 26, 2014 21:44

I've - had a beer.
For about an hou there, all my concentration was focused on not falling out of the chair at the bar.


Calender of Mr. C -- because we've been moving at eihter warp speed or slow-mo and I can't quite get a grasp on it

Sept 14 - first meet, talk a little
Dec 7 - meet again, talk all night
Dec 9 - become FB friends
Dec 12 to 31- we msg back and forth about feminism & video games & family & life
Jan 1 - a mutual friend invites him over for a 'cuddle party' but we're too awkward to actually cuddle
Jan 2 to 5 - I invite him to join me at the dog beach when he's free; we plan to get together on the 7th; he asks me for my phone number
Jan 7 - I drive to him, we go to the dog beach
Jan 8 - I ask him if he's free on the 10th to go to the marina
Jan 10 - a friend spontaneously joins us at the marina as the 3rd wheel; Mr. C asks if I'm free to get together the following week
Jan 14 - we plan to meet up on the 16th at the Last Bookstore for a poetry reading
Jan 16 - we meet downtown, talk all night and miss the reading
Jan 19 - a group picnic was canceled, so a few of us had a bonfire at the beach; I sit between his legs in front of the fire
Jan 21 - we plan to meet at a park on the 24th
Jan 24 - I pick him up from my local bus station, the park is lovely and offered many places to sit close to one another; then we get donuts; then I drive with him to meet a friend for Korean bbq; then go to a cafe where he rubs my back a little
Jan 26 - we plan to meet on Jan 28 at the library and read to one another
Jan 28 - we meet downtown, he smoothly puts his arm around me at the library, and after it closes, we talk and cuddle all around California Plaza
Jan 31 - we meet at a museum, I think he's going to kiss me but he bonks my boob with a poster, we hold hands and huddle against the wind
Feb 2 & 3 - we talk about sex and have almost phone sex
Feb 6 - I invite him to join me in Santa Barbara
Feb 7 - I drive to him, we watch the sunset over downtown and have our first kiss on an old tree stump, we go to a museum, then I sleep over at a mutual friends
Feb 8 - I drive to him from our friend's, we go to a single's game day (we'd be invited to well before we started dating) with our mutual friend; then hang at her place where I hope to nap, and Mr. C blurts out "I love you... and I love the Chili Peppers" when he sees my old concert tshirt that's now pjs, and instead of getting to nap, Mr. C and my friend opt to cuddle with me in bed; after, Mr. C walks in on me changing to go to a karaoke birthday party; and we don't stay in the karaoke bar long and chat in the car
Feb 11 - I drive to him, we go to Santa Barbara and sleep next to one another perfectly fine on a sofa bed
Feb 12 - Lizard's Mouth is the location of our first French kiss and car make-out session
Feb 13 - more kissing around town, and that night we pleasure one another
Feb 14 - we have awkward sex in the morning, and he takes the bus home in the afternoon, he cries at us parting ways
Feb 16 - for real phone sex
Feb 17 - I drive to him, I stay at his place, more awkward sex
Feb 22 & 23 - he takes the bus to my place, we go bowling, and he hangs at my place and casually meets my mom, and stays over; in the morning, we have awkward sex, excellent oral; then I drive to his place for family dinner and I meet his dad and sister and one of her friends

mr. c

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