I suspect the decision had been made long ago

Jan 31, 2014 01:33

He's to young / I'm to old
Jimmy Crack Corn
and I don't care

I want him
I want his hands on me
I want to fall asleep wrapped in his warmth
I want to buy him turtlenecks because he's never had one
I may even want to have his babies -- it's too early to tell -- or so that's what I've been telling myself.

He says he's trying to not let his fears run/ruin his life.
I'm trying to follow suit.

Let the kisses fall where they may.

It'll be interesting trying to date a co-ed.
Tomorrow, I'm hoping we'll make it to a museum, but he works the night shift at a clothing store, restocking and folding. He says he doesn't fold his own at home. Only has a clean pile and dirty pile of clothes. He didn't want me to see his room the couple of times I've been inside to use his Mr. C restroom before going elsewhere.

He typically sleeps from 3am to 11am. He may not have enough energy to go to the museum.

He's an avid gamer. Watches video of others playing. Wants to go to the annual competition in August. He regularly mentions games on FB and wants to be a character designer for animated series and movies and games.
I don't know what to make of all that except to think it's not necessarily the most widely lucrative career path.

He had an anime-ish, almost hentai-ish Poison Ivy as his phone's welcome screen. I think by mentioning it makes me uncomfortable, he swapped out for another pic.
He said he roomed with his sister til she moved out a few years ago when she was 23 and he 18. I couldn't imagine sharing a room with my brother all those years.
He revealed she could be kinda violent toward him.
He doesn't frequently feel safe.

mr. c

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