
Apr 19, 2006 17:51

"For Courtney so loved the world that she gave her only begotten punk rock chords, that whosoever played them, might not suck, but have everlasting guitar power." Glammy 3:16

you are utterly clueless about what work was done and when i see the conjecture on here i just laugh my fat ass off.
TOTAL FACIAL RECONSTRUCTIO....what the fuck are you on about?
Admitted;y the face got very very scary during the crack years, but that was to be expected due to as little beauty enhancer called CRACK.
I see the lists you guys post and i just fucking laugh and sometimes i get mad, because you make upo surgeries that Ive never even heard of.
Sure theres some of this and some of that, But noones ever had a face lift or cheek implants or bones crushed or any of that , noses and the lips that wont shrink, and better teeth. and tits out after tits were in. thats all.
Theres FAT on her sid eof the family but not a lot of wrinkles and theres a big fat nose on that side of the family and weve all seen it and it had to go.
But stop harping on and on about fictional sci fi sirgeries that just didnt happen.
SOME people have never even had BOTOX and this poster is one of those people.
SOme people get puffy not wrinkly due to genetics and some people last well into thier forties with a tigh ass and high tits if they drink alot of water and go macrobiotic quietly and do alot of yoga and are lucky re the drug abuse and their constitution.
Ive heard of jaw reductions, rib removals, cheek impants forehead inplants, a procedure where they take the hairline back so ones forehead looks higher, changing the eye vector, all sorts of arcane shit, theres one where they inject fat into the wrinkle between your armpit and your arm socket , so yo can have a totallysmooth line when you wera strappy dresses.
Sharon Ive heard on good authority has her toenails acryliced, thats just weird, like every toe afake toenail so shell look perfect in sandals.
I cant lie and say i dont knowe anyone who never used sharons manicurist and was curious and tried it , but i hear it felt realy weird
the big thing now>? Eyelash extensions. everyones got them.
anyway carry on with the delusional list of plastic surgeries that were not undertaken please. Its so fun. I have the funnest here of any member , only when i feel like a real masochist who wants to feel lower than shit and know what hate an dbitterness and cyniccism is really all about.
Cant wait until certian people thank their fans, what fans?I dont belive there are any here just Paris Hilton obsessed newbies who want ot be cool by being as evila spossible about every single piece of minutae.
Gotta sleep.

she's fucking hilarious. just not about the fan thing. that's just retarded. & i love that someone posted a picture of glammy and hilton together laughing. ahhhhhhhh i don't care how much of a fan i am, i don't pre-order shit.
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