Oct 18, 2004 18:56
nail apt.
food w/ lance.
hair apt.
boutenir/corsage (sp?) exchange.
kristen p's mom picks us up
kroger: daniel forgets money.
kristen's house
pictures in yard.
eat at Cafe Du Bois..french place in kwood.
back to kristen's
straighten JP's hair
Homecoming dance.
go home next day. tis all!
saw lots of ppl. every1 looked GORGEOUS!
mmm yepp. i like u a lil' more each time that i talk to u. ur so great.
more than u know. more than u know. i think we should def. hang out
more. and get to now eachother more IF anything would happen in the
future..and if not..it'll be good for our friendship. maybe a movie?
maybe the GRUDGE. def. wanting to see that. it comes out this friday.
wanna go? if not. it's cool. i was gonna write something in that note
that made no sense today lol. but i couldn't remember it when Mika was
talkin to me. and it was how Carolina told me on the phone that i
should just grab your hand and hold it. but im too chicken shit. and i
dont know how u'd react to it. u might be like eeww BIAS! get off of
me! lol. so i dno if i'll do it. eck. scary lol. maybe i'll let u do it
when ever u choose to lol. well time to go..dinner/homeworking time.
===*==CrYs==*==baBy WeNdY==*==ASIAN FIRE!==*==