Burn Notice

Jul 13, 2008 13:26

When I heard that Michael Shanks was to guest in Burn Notice for several episodes, I was delighted for him.  I decided to check out the show on the strength of his promised arc in the second season.

I found the premise clever, the dialogue snappy and funny, loved the characters of burned spy Michael, retired Navy Seal and operational Lothario Sam, capable and feisty Fiona.  I loved their interactions.  I loved how Michael had a defence against every force on earth except his Mom, the chain-smoking, manipulative hypochondriac.  Loved the Miami setting.  I thought great: I've got a new show!

There's just one itty bitty problem with all this promise and this premise.

Feisty Fiona.

Don't get me wrong, Fi is great.  It's just that Fi is an IRA guerilla, bank robber and gun runner.  IRA portrayed sympathetically, glamorously, even admiringly.  Played for laughs, romance, sexual tension, the cool factor.  Praised for her guerilla skills in explosives, marksmanship and more.  I like Fi, and I like this show, but every time I think about who she is and what she represents, and how this show portrays her, I feel queasy.

There were 3,637 victims of the Troubles, many exactly like the people Michael, Sam and Fi are championing in Burn Notice: babies, children, women and men.  There were 2,819 victims of 9/11.  Do you think Burn Notice would be playing Fi for laughs and glamour if she was Fiona Bin Laden instead of Fiona Glenanne?
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