This Isn't Repetitive At All

Nov 19, 2007 23:48

I'm the sort of girl who skims pages in a book then reads a particularly evocative paragraph five times over. I'm the sort of girl who gets out of the shower in a towel and stays in it for the rest of the night. I'm the sort of girl makes a new friend and knows if they will still be in her life in two years. I'm the sort of girl who wishes she could eat cupcakes from the bottom up because icing is too lovely to devour first. I'm the sort of girl who tells you she's not in the mood for a night out only to find herself with slightly smudged makeup and a mixed drink two hours later. I'm the sort of girl who abandons all weekend plans and Greyhounds or flies to another state if she misses you enough. I'm the sort of girl who lives for abandoning plans. I'm the sort of girl who replies to text messages and Facebook messages and e-mails, because I hate it when people don't respond.

I'm the sort of girl who always feels like grilled salmon with black pepper and lemon for dinner. I'm the sort of girl who wakes up and scrolls through her phone contacts to decide on who to have breakfast with today. I'm the sort of girl who shows up five minutes before your Philosophy class and persuades you to skip and go downtown with her. I'm the sort of girl who sometimes bails on friends for a movie with her parents. I'm the sort of girl who knows when someone likes her but pretends not to because she wants to hear it from his mouth and not her own head. I'm the sort of girl who finds it laughable that those who talk the most shit are the ones with the most shit said about them. I'm the sort of girl who falls for marketing ploys and buys in haste. I'm the sort of girl who has her first everything bagel with you and associates you with them for life. I'm the sort of girl who has friends in several continents and still feels like she could make many more. I'm the sort of girl who kisses you in the morning and becomes your friend even if all you were before was a one night stand.

I'm the sort of girl who leaves her teenage years and feels like she has more of a license to be frivolous. I'm the sort of girl who thinks Asians generally look quite stupid with coloured contacts they could never ever pass off as natural. I'm the sort of girl who likes having a flavour of the month, the sort of girl who thinks the saddest people alive are those who condescend and patronise to make themselves feel better. The sort of girl who says 'thank you', 'please' and 'pardon' and swears like a sailor five seconds later. I'm the sort of girl who loves Kuala Lumpur and Charlottesville and Melbourne and New York and Chicago and DC and always wants to be anywhere but here, wherever 'here' may be.
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