May 24, 2005 17:40
School's almost out! Today was pretty cool I guess, IDK why...but it was. I got taco bell for lunch : D Now who doesn't love taco bell?! There's TONS of people that I better be seeing over summer to hang out : ) There's not much to say but I like this joke (taken from the cosmogirl magazine)
"A man walks into a bar carrying a tiny man playing a tiny piano. The bartender says, "That's cool, where did you get him?" The guy says, "There's a genie outside who'll grant you a wish." The bartender goes out and tells the genie, "I want a million bucks." Poof! He gets a million ducks. He storms back in angrily, followed by the ducks, goes up to the guy, and says, "That genie stinks! I asked him for a million bucks and he gave me a million ducks!" The guy turns to the bartender and says, "You think I asked for a 12-inch pianist?"