Oct 21, 2005 10:22
I mean, not the passionate, raging "GRR! I KILL!" kind of hate, but you know, the trash talking kind? I accept that people are saying shit about me, and I accept it. I'm a pretty decent human being and you know, generally nice... but still, there's gotta be plenty of nasty things to say about me: I almost always look like I've been in a car wreck, never wear decent looking clothes, I talk really loud about really inappropriate things (I'm sure that I've been "That girl on the bus" who people talk about and just go "WTF is her problem?" I'm okay with that), and I'm a massive nerd. I own up to all of that, if anyone thinks it's interesting, I *embrace* their shit-talking! I dont see the point of even meeting people if they arent either (a) someone to hate with or (b) someone to hate on. I mean, really, I just dont. It's the glue of society. Don't hate on haters, ya'll!