Nov 14, 2005 11:40
This is my breakout year, I feel it! in, if I keep things up, I might be breaking out of jail or a mental hosptal soon. Yeah... so, it's been an eventful week. I've been slapped across the face, almost arrested, put another notch in my bedpost (although I dont think it counts if you dont feel it. is this correct reasoning?), and am considering life as a professional hobo. I think I'd be a really cute hobo. As far as other career options, my dad wants me to join the military. Would I be a good soldier? It's kinda like our own sort of American cult of death, like the military is honorable because if they die during battle, at least the did it for the right reason or something. It's not all that different than those suicide bombers, it's just a little less ballsy. I think I'd probably be a better hobo. Or, if I became a meth addict, like my friend's sister, then I'd be skinny enough to be a stripper! And then work my way into prostitution. Yeah, life is looking up.
P.S. I want a puppy.