You don't even have to read this.... I'm just bored...

Jan 24, 2004 14:54


-- Name: Helen
-- Location: St Albans, Hertfordshire (centre of the universe)
-- Shoe size: 5 or 6
-- Height: 5 feet and 4 inches, or maybe 3...
-- Eyes: Blue
-- Pets: 2 fishies! Bernie, and Dr Evil
-- Siblings: Luke 23
-- Your mom and dads name: Paul and Tina
-- Hair: Blondey
-- Ever dyed your hair? Yups!
-- Nicknames: H, Heych, Smellen, Shortie
-- Do you play sports? Don't be silly!
-- Are you a night or a morning person? Neither really, definitely not a morning person though
-- Are you ticklish? A little
-- Do you believe in God? I do yep
-- What's your screenname? *~helen~* don't be alarmed if i fall head over feet...
-- Do you have glasses? Yes!! :D
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? A wife and a mummy!
-- What was the worst day of your life? Ummm... maybe the day my Dad left. Okay, it was the worst day lol.
-- What are the best days of your life? In some ways the above day.
-- What comes first in your life? Sleep! Lol.
-- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope, I'm just me :o)
-- What are you most scared of? Bats, journeys, arguments
-- What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Everything that I did that day, everyone I spoke to and everything I said, what I'm going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, who I'm going to marry, when I'm gonna marry, who I'm gonna meet at uni, whether I'll go to uni........... etc etc etc - yeah, quite a lot of stuff! I wonder why I'm a bad sleeper??? ;o)
-- If you could be anything without consequences, what would it be? What would be the point in changing something without consequences??? It wouldn't change!

*after re-reading the above question I can see I read it wrong... but my answer looks kinda funny so I'll leave it like that!*

-- Band/Group/Artist: LIFEHOUSE!
-- Store: Camden, and yes, I know it's not a store :p
-- Relative: My aunt's dog - lol. Can't go wrong if you pick pets
-- Sport: Tennis
-- Vacation spot: Cornwall, beach
-- Ice cream flavor: Chocolaaaaaaaate
-- Fruit: Into banana's at the moment...
-- Car: Mine... but gimme a Jeep, please!
-- Class: was Media or History
-- Holiday: Summer
-- Day of the week: Sunday
-- Color: Pink and purple
-- Magazine: Heat, heh heh!
-- Name for a girl: Charlotte, Bethan, Amelia
-- Name for a boy: Max, Benjamin
-- Month: MAY! Of course!
-- Saying: I say quite a lot of sayings... but right now I can't remember any!
-- Word: figment
-- Room in your house: My room
-- Concert you have been to: LIFEHOUSE!
-- Meat: Chickeeeeeeeeeeeeen
-- Pizza topping: Ham and Mushroom
-- State: Colorado - COS I'M GOING THERE!! :D
-- City: London, has to be said
-- Feeling: Amusement
-- Number: 64
-- Book: I'm reading Anna Karenina at the moment (so sure I spelt that wrong!)
-- Cereal: I dun like cereal

In the past 24 hours have you
-- Had a serious talk? Um, remotely serious
-- Hugged someone? No actually
-- Fought with a friend? Nah
-- Cried? Nope
-- Laughed? Not really
-- Made someone laugh? I'm always making people laugh
-- Bought something? No :D
-- Flirted with someone? Uhhh... maybe!
-- Felt stupid? Lol, usually.
-- Talked to someone you love? Yups
-- Missed someone? Yeps :o(

Have you ever
-- Done drugs? Nah - and neither should you
-- Eaten an entire box of oreos? No - what do you think I am? American??
-- Been dumped? Yes :o( Always! Lol.
-- Had someone be unfaithful to you? Not as far as I know
-- Stayed home on saturday night, just because?: I stay at home every night just because sometimes :p
-- Been in love? Yeah
-- Seen the white house? On TV, yes
-- Seen the eiffel tower? From a distance...
-- Drank alcohol? Yeah
-- Played monopoly? Yeps
-- Kissed someone? Lol, uh huh - not that I can even remember what it's like it's been so FLIPPIN long.
-- Tried a weight loss program? Um, no
-- Jumped on a trampoline? Not that I'm aware of... i don't really DO jumping...
-- Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? I love those things!
-- Made a web page? Yes :$
-- Played with legos? LEGO RULES
-- Watched jerry springer? Not a whole episode thingy
-- Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Yeah
-- Been afraid of the dark? Only when I'm walking and it's dark and late...
-- Dumped someone and regretted it? Never dumped someone...
-- Went out with more than one person at a time? Nah :p
-- Lied? I've lied yes
-- Been arrested? Nopers! Still time though ;o)
-- Fallen asleep in class? Sometimes I almost used to at college
-- Used food for something other than to eat? Like a weapon?
-- Met a celebrity? Nope - I might meet lots of bands in the summer though ;o) Glastonbury baby!
-- Broken the law? Speeding - yep
-- Skipped class? Lol I used to all the time
-- Hated yourself? Yeah
-- Been brokenhearted? Yeah
-- Broken someone's heart? No... I don't think so. I might have broken his heart, but he broke mine first - so maybe we both just broke each others by being together in the first place...I dunno! He never told me...
-- Wanted to kill someone? I wanted to kill Angie in Home and Away - LEAVE THE SUTHERLANDS ALONE!! :@ (I'm not mad... honestly :p)
-- Fallen off a chair? Yes lol
-- Lap danced? Lol! Nah, you wish! ;o)
-- Been in a fist fight? Not a real one

-- Like to give hugs? Yes :o)
-- Like to walk in the rain? I love walking in the rain
-- Sleep with or without clothes on? With clothes
-- Prefer black or blue pens? Black..
-- Have a job? Yeps!
-- Like someone? I think so
-- Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Whichever!
-- Have a goldfish? Nah, I have tropical fish though
-- Ever have the falling dream? Ummm, I dunno
-- Have stuffed animals? Yeps!

-- Do you believe in the horoscopes: I do not
-- Do you like your handwriting: No not really
-- What superhero would you be: I already am a superhero?????
-- Do you have any piercings: Ears
-- Any tattoos: Nopes.
-- Are you picky: Yes, incredibly
-- What makes you mad: CRAP adverts on TV
-- What do you think of Bush: Hmmm... liar, bigot, power-hungry fool, cheater - I could go on?
-- Who do you admire: Hannah
-- Do you like cartoons: Not particularly
-- What did you do today: I got up at 12.00, well, I got woken up by BANG BANG BANG crap music, so I moved to my Mum's bed (she wasn't in it), then she came in her room and laughed at me cos I was sleeping in her bed. She told me there was a letter from Derby for me - so I got up, read it, watched tv, had a shower, had lunch, went online, watched tv, had cake, came online - here I am!
-- Are your parents annoying: All parents are annoying
-- Do you own a miniskirt: I own 2 skirts...
-- Do you floss: Nope
-- What is the farthest your have traveled: South Africa
-- Have you ever died: Lol - what do you think????????
-- What kind of shampoo do you use: Neutragena
-- Do you use big words to sound smart: I don't need to SOUND smart
-- When you get mad, do you swear a lot? Unfortunately yes
-- Ever worn black nail polish: Nah
-- Do you do everything better then guch: I just know everything
-- How many sheets are on your bed: One... how many do you need?!
-- Whats under your bed: Boxes
-- Do you have your own tv and vcr: TV yes
-- Do you see dead people: Every day - don't you?
-- Are you a good speller: Yes!
-- Do you like little kids: I love all kids, big ones and little ones
-- Are you talented: Somehow maybe
-- If so, how: Nooo idea
-- Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: Hotel room? Vacation? Weather channel?? What world do YOU live in?!
-- Ever seen a ghost: Nopes

What do you think when you hear this name:
Jennifer: Love Hewitt
Leah: Ryan
Megan: Luke
Brandon: Boyd
Christina: Aglkdjgdklj (whatever it is)
Angela: Russell
Courtney: Love
Lauren: Hill
Lisa: Hollyoaks
Jackie: Hardy
Kat: Slater
Patrick: Kielty
Erin: Brokovich

This or that
* Pierced nose or tongue? Nose
* Be serious or funny? Funny - unless I need to be serious..
* Single or taken? I would like to be taken
* Mtv or vh1? MTV, although VH1 has it's merits
* 7th heaven or dawson's creek? Both
* Sugar or salt? Salt
* Silver or gold? Silver
* Tongue or belly button ring? Belly
* Chocolate or flowers: Flowers
* Color or black-and-white photos? Both
* Sunrise or sunset? Both!
* M&M's or skittles? M'n'M's
* Rap or rock? Rock
* Stay up late or sleep in? Uhhh, both
* Tall members of the opposite sex or short? TALL TALL TALL!!
* Sun or moon? Moon
* What time is it? How is that a this or that Q?
* Diamond or ruby? Diamond..
* Left or right? Left
* Cat or dog? Either
* Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
* Newspaper or magazine? Both
* Spring or fall? Spring
* A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Fwiendship
* Happy or sad? Happy
* Sneakers or sandals? Sandals
* Blondes or brunettes? Not bothered
* Duct tape or scotch tape? Duct tape
* Pepsi or coke? Coke!
* Nike or adidas? Neither

Love life
~ If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: My husband
~ If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: My husband
~ What is the biggest turn off: People who talk about themselves all the time, DON'T DO IT!
~ What is the biggest turn on: Sense of humour
~ Do you think there is a person for everyone: Yeah.
~ If yes, do you know who yours is: No!
~ Do you believe in love at first sight: Ummm, not love - but maybe you could think you will fall in love with them
~ Have you ever been in love: Uh huh
~ What do you think love is: It's love!
~ Do you think it lasts forever: Yes, it has to
~ Do you want to get married: I DO I DO I DO!!!
~ How many times: Once... not three like above :p
~ When was your first kiss?: Heehee :$ when I was sweet sixteen!

^ Last word you said: "shower"
^ Last song you sang: Some Longview one
^ Last meal you ate: Cheese and ham toasties
^ Favorite childhood cartoon: Tom and jerry!
^ What did you hate most about school: EVERYTHING
^ Last person you flipped off: Pardon??
^ Last time you were burned: Can't remember
^ Last time you bled: Monday - blood test, she was EVIL! I still have a bruise :|
^ What's in your cd player: Alanis Morisette, Feeder, Longview
^ What color sox are you wearing: I'm not
^ Are you going to college: Yes!
^ If so, how long do you want to go: 3 years
^ How many kids do you want: 4 or 5

Lol - don't hate me... I was just bored! And I am a little more bored now, admittedly, but... ho hum.

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