Oct 25, 2005 11:18
Damnit, I just weighed myself. 222 lbs! Holy SHIT. Like a month and a half ago, I weighed 198 lbs. I'm like what the hell happened!!! I am like really mad too. That was the smallest I'd been in a while. Time to diet and work out it looks like. That upsets me a lot dangit! I think I'll get on the gazelle and do push ups and sit-ups and crunches again, and just drink protein for my dinners/lunches. Working overnight doesn't help any either!
Anywho, I was off yesterday, and I'm off today. I'm just gonna chill. Stevie and I are buying pumpkins to carve. We bought a pattern book last night after we went and saw Doom. That was a kickass movie by the way! I'm gonna go be a bum and lay around lol, talk at you later!