30 Days of Final Fantasy...all at once

May 23, 2011 14:19

So this meme has been all over my effing Circle/f-list. I am therefore obligated to continue the trend.

I'm going to answer all 30 questions in one go. Why? BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING CHAMP, THAT'S WHY.

30 Days of Final Fantasy

Day 01 - Your favourite Final Fantasy Game
Generally, I'm one of those gamers who enjoys the entire series equally. Each installment has its strengths and weaknesses; where one fails, another succeeds. And at the end of the day, they all balance out pretty well. There are a few that stand out (namely VIII and XII) and a few that underwhelmed me (like VII), but on the whole, my affection for the FF series is largely uniform.

...except in the case of Final Fantasy Tactics, which is easily my favorite game of all time. I could go on for days about how much I adore this game, but we have 29 more questions to get through, so I'll sum it up with this: Delita kills everyone and it's awesome. There. Done.

Day 02 - Your least favourite Final Fantasy game.
The Compilation of FFVII. Not FFVII itself (which was, all things considered, a pretty rad game), but the various sequels/prequels/spin-off's. Seriously, what a fucking train wreck. Genesis Rhapsodos was the least interesting villain in the history of Eastern RPG's, and can someone please tell me WTF was going on in Dirge of Cerberus? Ugh. The only good thing to come from Squeenix's ceaseless milking of FFVII's popularity is Rosso the Crimson. She is one bad-ass motherfucker. No one fucks with Rosso.

Zack was cool too, I guess.

Day 03 - Your favourite Final Fantasy theme/song.
To Zanarkand from FFX and Memory of Lightwaves from FFX-2. I listen to these at night when I have trouble sleeping.

Day 04 - Your favourite Final Fantasy party from your favourite game.
FFTactics (PSP): Two mimes, a dancer, a bard, and Balthier
FFTactics (PS1): Two mimes, a dancer, a bard, and Thunder God Cid
FFVIII: Squall, Quistis, Zell, because of all the awesome
FFXII: Ashe, Basch, Balthier, because of all the sexual tension

Day 05 - Your favourite Final Fantasy City/Town.
Rabanastre. It's so pretty, what with its wonky architecture and absurdly spacious sewer. Also, I love deserts.

Day 06 - Favourite part of your favourite Final Fantasy game.
Tactics: The battle system. It was both brutal and addictive.
VIII: The GF's are what hooked me first. I was ten years old and like "OH LOOK SHINY THINGS."
XII: The art style; it's aesthetically pleasing, to say the least. And the dialogue, specifically Balthier's. /swoon

Day 07 - Least favourite part of your favourite Final Fantasy game.
THE PHAROS. Sweet Zeromus, if I ever get my hands on the designer of that hell hole, I will surely land myself in prison. Fuck that place.

Day 08 - Favourite Chocobo Version.
Can I just say all of them? Especially the little guy from XIII.

Day 09 - Favourite Moogle Version.
FFXII. I didn't like them at first, but after a while the giant pom-poms and bunny ears started to grow on me. AND THEY WEAR PANTS. CUTE POOFY LITTLE MOOGLE PANTS.

Day 10 - Best Final Fantasy scene ever.
Everything that happens at the top of the Pharos; Gabranth, Dr. Cid, Famfrit, Reddas, the whole thing. Seriously, FFXII could have ended right there.

Also, the scene where Rydia fucks up a whole mountain range's face when she summons Titan. That little girl kicks so much ass.

Day 11 - Final Fantasy game that disappointed you.
sissyhiyah has pretty much summed up my feelings on FFXIII here, with the exception that I generally liked all six characters to some extent. The problem is that those six characters were the ONLY things I liked.

Day 12 - Final Fantasy game you’ve played more than 5 times.
Again, Tactics. The job system gives you so much freedom that it's never the same game twice.

Day 13 - Your favourite version of Cid.
To quote
"There is no other Cid except for Doctor Cid. What are you saying? There are more? The Doctor did away with them."

Day 14 - Favourite Final Fantasy male character.
Bartz Klauser. Really, that kid deserves a hug. He's so sweet.

Day 15 - Favourite Final Fantasy female character.
RydiaTerraTifaQuistisAshe. What? You really expect me to pick just one? I love my ladies.

Day 16 - Your favourite Final Fantasy limit break.
Okay, it might by lame, but my favorite is probably Vaan's White Whorl in XII. He just...pulls a tornado out of his ass. IT'S PRETTY, OKAY?

Day 17 - Favourite Final Fantasy mini game.
None of them? If I wanted mini games, I'd go play one.

Day 18 - Favourite Final Fantasy opening sequence.
Easy: VIII, because of all the badass

Day 19 - Best Final Fantasy outfit.
I'll give this one to Lulu out of respect for how heavy that effing skirt must be. Do your thing, girl.

Day 20 - Best Final Fantasy hair.
It's a very close tie between Rydia and Fran. I wonder what kind of conditioner they use...

Day 21 - Favourite Final Fantasy pairing/ship.
Ha. This list would go on forever.
Let's just say Seifer/Zell and call it a day.

Day 22 - Favourite Final Fantasy summon.
Shiva, every time. She's just so...blue.

Day 23 - Least Favourite Final Fantasy mini game.

Day 24 - Best Final Fantasy quote.
"I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story: I'm the leading man. Know what they say about the leading man? He never dies."
-Balthier Bunansa, FFXII

Balthier gets all the best lines.

Day 25 - Final Fantasy game you plan on playing (old or new).
ALL OF THEM. No seriously, it's on my bucket list. I still have to finish I-III and beat Exdeath in V, but then I should be all caught up with the main series. I might also check out Type-0 because it looks like a more violent take on VIII, which can only be a good thing.

Day 26 - OMG WTF? Final Fantasy moment.
Several in XIII, pretty much anytime Barthandelus pops up. And most of VII's storyline.

Day 27 - Best Final Fantasy storyline.
I'm going with X here, because I like the way it was presented. It's very clearly Yuna's story; it's her pilgrimage with her guardians on the road to save her world. And yet it's also very much Tidus' story, because he is an outsider to Spira (much like the player), so we learn as he learns. It also helps that I didn't spoil anything plot-wise before I played through the whole thing.

VI gets mad props too. It focuses very heavily on the characters and their individual struggles, which is why it works so well as an ensemble piece. And because, you know, Kefka.

Day 28 - First Final Fantasy game obsession.
VIII. It was the first FF I saw, the first I played, and the first I loved.

Day 29 - Current Final Fantasy game obsession.
I'm riding the IV wagon hard right now that I have my claws on The Complete Collection. So much old-school love! ♥

Day 30 - Saddest Final Fantasy character death.
Galuf in V. It doesn't help that his granddaughter is there to witness the whole thing, and that the party tries in vain to revive him. Dear God, I choke up every time. T_T

And that, as they say, is that.

This entry was originally posted at http://jerkface.dreamwidth.org/123637.html.

fangirlish joy, delita kills everyone, 30 days of final fantasy, memey goodness, nerdgasm!

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