Mar 08, 2005 09:59
Here are 40 reasons why you're portuguese!
1. If you can hold more than one beer in your hand, plus a shot of Aniz in the are Portuguese!
2. If you have a rooster napkin are Portuguese!
3. If you wear more than 3 gold chains at once....Its possible that you might be Portuguese!
4. If you have more silver caps in your mouth than u do actual are most likely Portuguese!
5. If you know and own all of Jorge Ferreira's are freakin Portuguese!
6. If the mirrors in your house are framed in gold...then you might just be Portuguese!
7. Does any one in your family make wine in their garage??? are Portuguese!
8. If you're drunk by get the picture!
9. If you have more facial hair than your dog has on its body....Say it with me ..."I am Portuguese"!
10. If you dip stale bread in meat juice and enjoy it............ur Portuguese!
11. If your brother and/or father work construction....guess are definately Portuguese!
12. If your mom is a cleaner.....(see #11)!
13. If the outside of your house is painted green, yellow, blue, red or pink....HEHEHE...ur Portuguese!
14. During World Cup Soccer, If you're the first to go out and buy a Brazilian Flag to accompany your Portuguese Flag....and you flash both of them at the same time!!!!....You, my friend, ARE Portuguese!
15. If you turned an old bath tub or tire into a planter for the front of your house......ur Italian....No...just kidding...ur Portuguese!
16. If you have crocheted doillies on your kitchen counters, dining room, living room, bedroom...oh geez...on all your tables....u sure are portuguese!
17. If you have a room in your house where everyone is forbidden to go to or be know... the room with your first communion guessed it!
18. If you say "the continent" referring to main land may be Portuguese!!!
19. If you walk in religious parades carrying a flag, or dressed up in a red's possible know...!
20. If you have grape vines, favas, or couves growing in your back Sweetheart, are Portuguese! (note: give yourself 2
points if these things can be found in your front yard too!!)
21. If you talk with your hands while you're on the phone...or just in may be Portuguese!
22. If one of your brothers drives a Honda Civic...God do I really have to tell you....!
23. If you eat "cozido" at least once a're not are!
24. If you drink wine with everything.... I MEAN're Portuguese for sure!
25. If a whole room in your house is dedicated to your
Favourite soccer team...Guess What!?!?!
26. If you have a "tia Maria" and/or "tio Jose"....I'm sorry...u are Portu...........guese! (tia means aunt, tio means uncle)
27. Go to your freezer....See any fish??...chances are you got some...if not...your mom just went out for some more!!
28. If your house has more plants in it than outside of
29. If you decorate your walls with plates....LOLOLOLOLOL... Tu
Es Português!!!
30. If your house is a mini church with just as many statues and pictures of saints and Jesus as your church itself....Oh yeah... you are with out a doubt Portuguese!
31. If you have to stay up till 12:00am on Christmas eve to open your gifts...Merry Christmas...ur Portuguese!
32. If you know what Bacalhau (cod) or a Malassada (type of danish/donut) is...ur Portuguese for sure!
33. If you're 25 and still living with your parents...Portuguese you are!! (note: Give yourself 20 extra points if your married and living with your spouse in your parents house!!!)
34. If you spend 75% of the day and dedicate your Saturdays to cleaning...ur Portuguese!
35. If your live-in kitchen is in your are Portuguese!
36. If people call you "pork and cheese" and you're not offended by it...What are you????HEHEH
37. If your sisters life ambition is to become a are Portuguese!
38. If your Mom's idea of a good lunch is a "paposeco com queijo" (bun with cheese)....You may be Portuguese!
39. If you ask your mom "ma...what is there to eat?" and she
says "pão com Manteiga e queijo" (bread with butter and cheese) are
Portuguese! (note. Isn't there anything else to eat!!!!!!!)
40. And, if your barbecue has grilled more fish than any other meat known to man......Buddy...admit're either Portuguese or living on a island!!!!