Jun 12, 2007 21:40
I don't understand how feelings I haven't really felt in so long can just spring up again. It's hard to believe really. It's weird that a few weekends during the summer can mean more to me than a semester or so I've spent with other people. Life just doesn't make sense sometimes. I like it. No. I love that it is that way, but I'm left almost stupified/pleasantly surprised. Life has been great for the past two years, but I've just felt like my life has been on hold. Maybe things are changing.
Lab sucks. I'm such a clutz. I dropped the frickin salt plate in the halogenated fucking waste container. Spent at lest $70 on items I've broken... But hey, I ace the quizzes and I'm not doing shabby on write-ups and pre-labs. It requires too much work. Not to mention, at FSU they teach NMR in class, but at UF they teach it in the lab. So I have some to catch up on, but on synthesis I freakin rock. I love the people I've met in lab.
I can drive a standard!! Wahoo!!! Not to brag or anything, but I was incredibly fast at learning it. Was out on the roads on my second lesson. My only problem is that I race the engine a little bit and reversing is just unsettling. Otherwise, I'm stoked.
Goals of the summer: Get in better shape, get a tan, SAVE money - I'm broke.
In short: I looooove summer.
I missed a concert with Kanye West... :(