Nov 11, 2005 12:16
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Yup
* Missed school because it was raining: Yes
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: I don't think so
* Been hurt emotionally: Never
* Kept a secret from everyone: I can't really keep secrets
* Had a crush on a friend: Sure, I'll give you that
* Had a crush on a teacher: I'm about to go see him. LOL
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Man....the prince from Sleeping Beauty
* Ever been on stage: Probably against my will....actually I used to sing when I was little
* Cut your own hair: That would be a no
* Shampoo: Pantene
* Colour: Pink
* Day/Night: Day
* Summer/Winter: Summer
* Lace or satin: Lace
* Fave cartoon Characters: Tom and Jerry
* Fave food: Pizza and anything Chicken
* Fave Advert:
* Fave Movie: At the moment....uhmmm.....what was the last thing I saw?
* What are you Wearing? Jeans and a pink top with a jacket
* Thinking about: What color my jacket is
* Listening to: The typing of the keyboard
* Talking 2: Myself
* Fav. Nickname? Sandy
----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: Uhmmmmm....NO
* Worn a skirt: No
* Met someone New: Too many people at this school.....prolly
* Drove a car: Yes.
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN---------------
* Yourself: Yes
* Santa Claus: No
* Angels: No
* Ghosts: No
* UFO's: Nope...
* Bounding one-eyed dears: I hope not
---------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
* Like anyone?: Myself?
* Who have u known the longest of your friends?: My friends back home....known them since diapers
* Who's the weirdest person you know: Mel?
* Who do you look to for advice: Whichever friend is around
* Who do you cry to? A good movie
* Worst Feeling: Too much going on and not enough time to do it in
* Who will respond to this email the fastest: Everyone did
* Who did you send this to who ,Shante' and Mel