Okay, in about nine hours I will be leaving (on a jet plane). Meaning: I should be packing right now. But instead, I am watching scenes from movies (&, well, television) that I know full well are capable of killing me.
Places I would rather be, right this second:
Ancient Greece (wonky timeline & all)
The 1960’s (whichever bar she is at, please)
Sky High
In other words, I am ridiculous. Like I needed to make one more post to prove this point. But my real reason for this post wasn’t simply for the sake of posting pictures of Very Attractive People (well, not only), or revealing that fiction is basically the only thing keeping me sane at any given moment (although, apparently, it really is). Oh, no - I’m here to wish each & every one of my darling eljay friends happy holidays, since I won’t be back until it's Christmas da-ay!! (Is it obvious I've been performing RENT in front of the mirror again?)
& so, in the immortal words of movie!Tom Collins:
Seriously: be safe, be merry, be good. I’ll miss you.
Current Mood: