rainbows and cotton candy. hahah idk. random subject

Feb 01, 2007 09:39

everytime i log in to livejournal, it looks all weird and plain.... i don't know if it's been doing that for anyone else, but i don't like it. gayyyy. anyways. update time....

things are great.... still living with troy, duhhh. he started a new job today, making more than 2 times what he was making before! so i'm proud of him. i'm still in need of a job. but i was waiting to find out what kind of hours troy would be working to know when i can work. because we don't have 2 cars yet. sucks that i had to put it on him, but he accepted the responsibility when he asked me to move in with him. i got my license a week or so ago.... FINALLY! so for now, i can drop him off at work, or vice versa.

aaaand i hate TOPS because i've tried to fix my application 2 times already but it won't send me my dad's damn pin number. that's why i couldn't do it in the first place. it's stupid. but i need to go to school. so i guess i'll be calling the TOPS people soon.

and i have a huge list of things to get done. well not huge, just not easy...
-clean bedroom (A MESS)
-living room
-find a job
-fix TOPS application
-visit my dad sometime
-sleep sometime...

i got a few hours of sleep last night, but i need more. i've just had some things on my mind, so when troy left for work at 7:15, i couldn't get back to sleep. my mind is just going to fast.

the ex is gone, i think. troy's ex that is. but we did get plenty of phone calls from the other one about a week ago at 4:30 am screaming about the other ex and shit. and acting all psycho. saying shit about our lives when she has no clue what goes on. it's sad to think that we were friends before i even knew troy existed, but now she's starting tons of shit. but i'm worried the latest ex is going to pop up again and try to ruin things. i've worked too fucking hard to have this happen again. i know it won't be the same on his part, but just knowing she's starting stuff will drive me absolutely insane. it's funny that people can get so mad about their boyfriend's ex calling all the time and starting shit, but when they break up and he's with someone else, they do the same thing. that's why if we ever break up, i will never do the same thing. no one deserves that. i've been through it with him and i do not need to make him or anyone else he decides to be with go through that. crazy.

anyways. i'm sure none of you felt like reading all of that lol. leave me some love... no one leaves comments anymore :(
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