[NEWS] Okamoto Keito to go on hiatus from Hey! Say! JUMP for 2 years to pursue his studies

Jun 24, 2018 21:58

Okamoto Keito will be taking a 2-year break to study abroad at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York.
He won't be leaving the group permanently, and will return to the group once he finishes his studies.
While he pursues his studies, the group will continue promotions as 8 members, and this includes the concert tour for this year (yet-to-be announced).
However, for the new single, Cosmic Human, they will still be promoting as 9 members.

Announcement clip from Hey! Say! JUMP on his decision: HERE
Official Announcement from J&A at Johnny's Net: HERE
Yamada's JUMPaper update on the siuation: HERE and HERE

P.S. Don't worry, Keito will be coming back! Let's wait for his return! 

news/info, ;member: okamoto keito

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