Movies movies movies movies

May 23, 2005 09:39

Im A super star!!

saterday me and brad (brad and I) went to hugo helmers and tried to get the "carlos santana" tone we got close but the guitar pedal cost $100 and im poor as you well know after that we went to good will and tried on tux coats after that we decided to go to value village were put put a whole tux together for about $15 and considering when i rented one it cost me $90 thats a really good deal after that we went to supid prices and looked around and i got a twenty five sent bag of chips and they were hot so we went to McDonalds and got somethin to drink and then we went to brads house and i slept over so the next day we got bored and buseted out the camcorder and mad a movie about nothin mainly of us doing cheese tricks on bikes and some wrestling thing then we decided that we were going to go to the river by my house and film some stuff in the little forest thing there it was kinda like the blair wich except me and brad were (does anybody realy read this far?)in it and it was nothing like it so then i drove him home and went and planted some corn and went home and took a shower then went to sleep this morning i woke up 10 minutes b4 the bus came some how i managed to make it and then guitar and now im in foundationsthe end

remember all spelling errors are intentional
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