Yo, I don't know you very well and I'm probably not one to be giving you advice, but since you're deleting your journal and it sucks that you're going through this I thought I'd throw in a word. I went thru a lot of this shit two years ago, like I would dream that I was trying to get to class and I kept falling down and falling asleep in the halls, just to wake up and see that I had already missed half of A-block. It just felt really shitty and I couldn't do anything and I felt like shit. If you haven't already, I would suggest trying Wellbutrin- it's not one of the drugs they start people out on but it's generally more effective than that prozac-effexor-zoloft shit. Also, if you haven't already, I would consider not drinking. It's different for everyone, of course, but alcohol reduces the amound of ceratonin in the brain which is exactly what antidepressants try to prevent. It's bad if you're depressed but worse if you're on meds for it. Personally, with Wellbutrin, drinking sucks but smoking is fine... But whatever that's just me. I hope you start feeling better, I really do. Spring is coming, and that's always good, right?
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