Oct 16, 2005 12:34
I was at Shaun's house last night with Kathy. We were in Elaine's room looking at the small comic books and I realized they're easy to make. So I told Shaun I'd make one if he sold them for me. I already finished 2 pages. I told him I'd complete the whole thing in under an hour. That didn't work out, but I'll finish soon. I'll mail one to Elaine when it's done. For free too. The rest cost 25cents. In a way, I feel like charging would mean I'm stealing from the people who give me their quarters because it's so stupid.
a. I had a scary dream last night.
b. Adding that jazz element to acoustic artists is very over done.
c. I need more friends to hang around with.
d. Last night I saw lightning in the sky. Thunder did not follow.
e. The rain did not follow either.
f. I read in the news that some moose was stuck on some cliff in the middle. It was trying to climb the mountain or something and it got caught and the only way for it to get out of this little situation is either for it to jump off the cliff and land on the rockys and die, or to wait till it dehydrates and dies. This bothers me because these news idiots know it's their, so why don't they rescue it? They go and rescue the stupid bums and drug addicts on the street who amount to nothing except being a burden and another statistic of crime, but what about the moose?
g. According to dr. balls, the only thing independent labels are independent from is success. I may have got that wrong...
Which kind of cheating is more painful...
the physical kind - ie. sex with your best friend
the mental kind - ie. becoming emotionally attached to others